Meeting Matthew

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"Are you certain he is going to like me?", you were pacing back and forth, playing with the hem of your shirt nervously. You were outside of the palace and had just passed the gigantic walls, that rose up high into the sky behind you.

Morpheus looked at you, a combination of amusement and adoration in his eyes, and grabbed your hand. "You will get wrinkles in it", he said gently and before you could roll your eyes he added: "He will love you, I am certain of that".

You laughed at the look in his dark eyes. "You will make sure of that, won't you?", you asked him with a playful grin. He raised an eyebrow in amusement, but did not answer you. "I am sure we will get along just fine. After all he is an important friend of yours".

Morpheus huffed quietly, but did not disagree. You knew he wanted to, but he was trying to be nicer. For you and for the Dreaming. Jessamy's death still affected him sometimes and he would not forget her ever. But that was alright. You were just glad he started to accept his new raven and you were relieved to know that Matthew would keep an eye an him. Or you, when Dream told him to watch over you in the Waking World, even though you told him repeatedly it was not necessary.

And it surprised you when he suggested introducing Matthew to you, officially, in the Dreaming. You had met Lucienne a few days ago and you could tell that Morpheus was really trying to let you in and to change. You did not know him before his imprisonment, but he told you about it, at least about some of it and about how Johanna Constantine and his sister Death started to change his perspective on humanity. He certainly would not have started dating you, if it was not for his newfound interest and understanding for humans. Or at least certain humans.

Morpheus lead you to the library, an arm looped around your waist. You had visited the library before and being a huge booklover, you felt at home there immediately. And Lucienne had showed you around and made you feel very welcome.

There she was, leaning over a table, inspecting some very old looking books. And a raven was sitting next to her. "Matthew", Morpheus's voice echoed through the library, firm and clear, and made the raven look up and he hopped to the edge of the table, closer to you.

"I want to introduce you to my partner", he gently pulled you a little closer to the table, as he introduced you and told Matthew your name, which he obviously already knew. But being the Lord of Dreams he cared about formalities.

You carefully walked closer and bend down to be on the same height as Matthew. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Officially. Without you following me grocery shopping", you winked and shot Morpheus an annoyed, but playful, glance.

The raven cawed, a bit embarrassed, but you just laughed and told him it was fine. "You were just doing your job. I know how bossy he can get". Matthew laughed, if ravens can do that. "Don't I know it".

Morpheus took his place next to you again an pulled him against his side. "I see you two get along quite well. Seemingly by mocking me. I should feel offended ". He was not offended though, you could tell. He was glad that you bonded already and you knew you would have the opportunity to talk to Matthew again soon.

But for now Morpheus had a date night planned for you, that you did not want to miss. You said your goodbyes to Lucienne and Matthew. Before you could walk out the doors, you turned around once more. "Matthew?", he nodded his head. "Thank you for taking care of him. He needs it".

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