Cara mia

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If someone had told Morpheus one year ago, that he would fall in love with a mortal and that he would shower her in affection and sweetness, he would have exiled them from his realm or worse. But here he was now, impatiently waiting for you in the green meadows outside if his castle. He held a daisy in his hand as he paced, wishing desperately that you were already here, so he could kiss you.

The two of you had met a few month ago in a dream and since then he had you stuck in his head. He could not stay away, so he started to visit you again. First in your dreams, then in the waking world. And you talked for hours and hours and then a unique connection blossomed between the two of you and Morpheus was enamored by your ethereal essence, your compassion and our beauty. And he was a generous and sweet lover, who, much to everyone's surprise, was not afraid to show you that.

He was a master of every love language. He would give you gifts, like the daisy he held right now, and he was so good at acts of service, holding doors open, helping you with your tasks or taking care of you after a long day. He loved spending time with you, like you were supposed to right now. But his biggest tell on his undying love for you was that he always had to touch you and that he would not let a day go by without telling you how much he adored you.

Morpheus would often seek solace in your presence. There were stolen moments, cute dates or lazy days spend on the sofa. Every time he saw you there was a shift in his somewhat cold attitude and the air crackled with an intoxicating energy, as if the universe itself acknowledged the depth of your connection.

"Hello, dear", you appeared behind him and immediately he could feel the shift. His frown was replaced by a soft smile, that only you could bring out. His eyes sparkled brighter, when they found your beautiful face. You could not help to admire his face, his mesmerizing eyes, that were filled with love.

He reached out to touch you, but then remembered the daisy, so he handed you the flower instead. You took it and excitedly smelled it, it smelled like your favorite scent, a perk of the dreaming. Nothing was ever impossible.

Now that he could finally touch you, his hands found your waist and he pulled you into a gentle hug. His right hand travelled from your hip to your hair and he cradled your head and played with your hair. "Hello, cara mia", he murmured into your hair, his voice thick with affection. This was his way to show you that you meant the world to him and that he was devoted to you. Now and tomorrow and forever.

His lips gently brushed yours in a sweet kiss. Your eyes were long closed and you leaned into his touch, allowing yourself to be perfectly happy and relaxed. He always had that effect on you. He was your safe place, your favorite person. He broke the kiss, only to place a kiss on your forehead. He pulled you in again and for a few blissful seconds you buried your face in his neck and he rested his head on top of yours.

"I love you, darling".

"I love you". Your response came instantly, your voice quiet and loving. Morpheus's hands stroked your head. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen", he confessed his voice barely above a whisper.

It were moments like these where you whished you could stop time. Where you wished you could make the moment last. Where you wished moments and memories were like things, so you could take them and put them in a bottle you could place on your shelf. A bottle you could open any time to relieve the moment, to feel like this forever. Instead you closed your eyes again, keen on remembering that feeling, creating a mental picture of the moment. But to be perfectly honest, you knew it was not necessary. Morpheus would make sure you would feel like this for the rest of your life. 

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