You are my dream come true

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The room was bathed in soft light. This beautiful golden tone, that you could only see on certain summer mornings, that seemed to brighten up the whole sky. It was quiet and warm, the only sound you could hear was the soft breathing of the man next to you.

You were lying on his chest, half on top of him, your head resting on his comfortable chest. Your legs were intertwined and his body seemed to radiate a warmth that made you curl into him further. For a few beautiful seconds no one said a word and the only thing you heard is the soft sound of his heart under you and his fingers traced you back and drew unnoticeable patterns on your skin.

It was your typical morning routine, but this time you were not in the Dreaming, but in the Waking World. You were a human after all and you and Morpheus decided that you could be together without you having to give up your live as a normal person. Well almost normal. Death granted you immortality a few month ago, so that set you apart from almost everybody. Except Hob, whom Dream has yet introduce you to.

You loved your apartment in London and were happy to hold on to that a little longer. Mornings like this were not unusual, but usually only took place when you were in the dreaming. Morpheus had a lot of duties and responsibilities and even though he always said you were more important, he could not be with you every waking hour.

So waking up next to him was a rare treat, one you greatly appreciated and cherished. Your fingers traced along his naked chest and you drew a heart shape. He smiled knowing what it was. "Have you slept well, little dreamer?". His voice is quiet and calm, yet deep and it seems to fill the entire room. You had always adored his voice and it was one of your favorite things about him. It certainly did things to you.

You smiled softly and kissed his neck. "Quite well, love. I had the most wonderful dream". He chuckled slightly and kissed your head. "Tell me about it, love", he requested, even though he obviously knew the answer. It was a little thing between you, that for some reason you both took immense joy in, so you played along.

"It was so mesmerizing. We were having a picnic in a park in front of the lake. And the sun set and everything was purple and pink from the light. And it was so warm and cozy. You read me a story while my head was laying in your lap. It was so peaceful and everything was so pretty. Especially you", you added with a soft smile and you blushed.

So did Morpheus. You could see a slight shimmer of rose blush on his cheeks. He always reacted this way when you said he was pretty, so you made it your mission to tell him as often as possible. "That sounds wonderful, my little dreamer. I am glad it was to your liking". You hummed softly and for a while it was quiet again.

But it was the kind of silence that was amazing and peaceful. The kind of silence that can only come between people who truly understand and know each other. You loved it so much. Not needing to say a word and knowing that he felt the same as you because no words were needed to express the love you had for each other. A though came over you in this moment.

"Can I ask you something, Dream?", you requested softly. His hands kept stroking your hair. "Of course, love. What is the matter?". You paused for a moment, unsure of how to phrase it. "Do you, I mean, can you dream?". The moment the question left your lips you felt stupid. What a silly question to ask the Lord of the Dreams.

But he did not laugh nor did he call you stupid. His hand stopped his movement and for a few heartbeats he thought about it. "In what way? Do you mean during sleep like you last night or in the way of me having fantasies about my life and the future?". He talked slower than usual, like he had never thought about such thing.

"Both I guess. I mean you do not sleep, so you probably don't dream. But again you live in the Dreaming so in a way you dream constantly. You are the Dreaming. So in a way you do dream. Maybe not your own dreams though, but the dreams of others". You noticed you were rambling. "Does any of this makes sense?"

He laughed softly and gave you a look full of adoration and love. "It does", he assured you. "You are right, I guess. But I have never thought about it like that before". Dream saying someone was right was a rare thing to happen, so you made a mental note to remember today.

"And what about the other side of dreams. Hopes and ideas about who you want to be? Does that even make sense for you? I mean you are Endless after all". He hummed gently. "You are quite curious today, dear. But I adore this about you".

You blushed and your heart skipped a beat. You loved it when he said that. The first time he told you he adored you, you had almost started crying from joy and love. He smiled softly at you, a look that was only reserved for you.

"To answer your question. I don't think I did for a long time. But someone came along and changed that. I do not possess the possibility to dream the way humanity does, but I do have my own wishes and dreams". He looked at you and you had never seen him so serious and earnest.

"You are my dream come true", he whispered so softly that you almost did not heard him. Your heart pounded faster like it wanted to explode in your chest and you cannot hide the smile that crept on your face. He smiled back at you and you pulled him into a soft kiss, before snuggling into him again. He was your dream came true as well. 

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