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You weren't sure why you agreed to this in the first place. Looing back now you should have stayed home in your apartment curled under a blanket while watching your favorite show. But unfortunately you weren't very good at saying no, especially not to Morpheus.

"Are you alright?". Morpheus appeared next to you and gently pulled you into him. You forced out a smile, but didn't look up to meet his eyes, too scared he would catch you lying. Instead your eyes remained still on the scene in front of you.

You were at a family gathering, if that's what you wanted to call it. At least that were the words Death and Dream used, when they talked about it. But it wasn't a normal family, not a human one. You were currently in a room with the endless, so the only human here was you.

Death was here, standing on the other side of the room talking to Dream's sibling Delirium, who looked at loss of a better word miserable and confused. Death was trying her best though to keep the conversation flowing, a bright smile on her lips like always. She was a ray of sunshine and definitely your favorite endless, aside of Morpheus of course.

Desire was in a corner, looking at themselves in the reflect ion of the huge windows. Despair was sitting on a sofa, looking off into the distance. The other two siblings were missing from his gathering, but you were not really upset about it. Destruction had not been seen by his siblings for a long time and you weren't really in the mood for meeting more people.

"Come on. Let us say hello and get this over with", your partner whispered in your ear and pushed you gently towards Death, a steady hand on your back. You reluctantly walked towards her. You liked her, but still, she was an endless and you were a shy, little human. It was strange to be around them. Being around people wasn't exactly your thing and you had trouble showing emotions and being confident.

Death waved excitedly when she saw you coming closer and Delirium did not seem to notice you or purposely ignored your presence. Death greeted you and Dream with a warm hug. "Hello, love. It is great to see you. It's been too long". You tried to reciprocate her smile and succeeded because her happiness was contagious. But it disappeared as quickly as it came. Showing genuine happiness or anger did not came easy to you.

"Don't I get such a friendly greeting?", a silky voice interrupted your greetings. Desire had joined your party and made their presence known. You always felt a bit uneasy around them. They were so confident, outspoken and I you could trust Dream's word, which you did, Desire was cunning and not a big fan of Dream.

"Hello, brother-sister", Dream greeted him and put his arm around your waist again to pull you close. His presence gave you some comfort and you leaned into his touch like he was your lifeboat on a rocky ocean. You whispered an "Hello" and Desire laughed at your shyness. "O my. A real delight you found there. So quiet and shy", they laughed. Dream glared at Desire and their smile grew wider.

"I am only teasing. Don't be such a cynic. You never know how to have fun. I must say it is rather dull here. Maybe that's why all your subjects left you, when you were captured". Desire smiled devilishly, pleased with themselves. Desire knew that their words hit a nerve.

You knew it too and you could feel it. Dream grew still behind you and his whole body tensed and got stiff. You tried to quietly comfort him by running your thumb over the back of his head. He relaxed a bit and did not say anything to Desire.

Seeing that their words did not get the hoped for reaction, Desire decided to say more. "I cannot imagine what it must have been like. Imprisoned for this long time, with no one coming for you. Even your own siblings. But it was stupid to get captured by a human. A human", they laughed exaggerated. "What a shame. You would think the lord of the dreams would be stronger than to get imprisoned and his tools taken away. Such a disappointment, but not surprising".

You saw red when you heard his words and an unknown anger bubbled up in you. You knew Morpheus was on the verge of freaking out and ending this whole gathering. But you were faster. With a determination and confidence, that surprised you and him, you marched towards Desire until you were close enough to push your index finger against his chest.

"Sweetheart?", Morpheus questioned, both stunned and confused, but your angry eyes remained on Desire. "Don't you dare", you spat out. "Don't you ever talk about him like that. You have no right":

You took a step back to free your head and to calm yourself down. "He is the most amazing person ever and he is a great lord of the dreams. All his subjects came back, willingly might I add. And he is stronger than you will ever be".

You stopped yourself and risked a look at Morpheus. His stunned expression was replaced by a proud one and you would swear he also looked touched. You were not finished though yet. "And yes, it is a shame that none of you tried to help him. He does not deserve this".

Suddenly aware of the attention and everyone's eyes on you, you were embarrassed and your cheeks turned red. You rushed out of the room, Morpheus following only seconds after you. He stopped you by gently grabbing your wrist. "I am so sorry. That was so out of line and...,", you tried to stammer out an apology, but he cut you off.

"No, sweetheart. It was amazing! I have never seen you so angry and protective. It was really cute", he laughed. "And t means a lot to me that you would go out of your comfort zone to protect me", he added in a more serious tone. You buried your head in his shoulder and he kissed your head. "Thank you, darling. For protecting me". 

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