Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?

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Today I wrote another Morpheus x Reader one for you. This is inspired by a line from Taylor Swift's song Lover. Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years? I'm a huge swiftie and I am sure I will write more reader inserts inspired by Taylor Swift songs soon. But for now I hope you enjoy this one! It's not that long and has basically no plot, but I think it turned out really sweet.

Summary: Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?

CW: none, just fluff


It was already noon and the sun had risen high above the ground hours ago. Outside you could hear the birds sing and the soft humming and buzzing of the city outside. Soft voices and sounds of engines starting and laughter rose up to your window, but it was quiet, pleasant. It made you feel alive and told you that everything was alright and that the world was still turning.

Golden sunlight flooded the room through the half open blinds and the light made patterns on the floor and on the walls of your bedroom. You were sure that there was a beautiful day outside, it was sunny and warm, but not unpleasantly hot. But you were perfectly fine where you were and had no desire to leave this bed or to go outside.

Morpheus and you were still curled up in bed under the covers. Your head was resting on his chest and your arm was lazily slung around his torso. He held you in his arms and pulled you a little closer. Your legs were tangled in each other and in the sheets, but you did not mind. It was cozy, intimate. Morpheus' hand was in your hair and he gently stroked it and occasionally het let it travel down to your back where he drew circles or wrote words on your skin.

The two of you didn't wake up recently. You had been up for hours, but did not want to get up. It was rare that Morpheus visited you in your world and even rarer that he had spent the night. But never before had he abandoned his duties for so long and just to stay with you and hold you close.

You had spent the last few hours shifting between talking about silly things, telling each other anecdotes, basking in the silence, laughing or talking about the deepest, most intimate things. You had told him about your deepest fears and desires and he did too. It was the most time you had ever spent together and you loved every second of it, but in the back of your mind always wondered when the moment was going to be over and when he would return to his kingdom.

"What are you thinking about?", he asked as if he had read your mind. He always noticed when your mood shifted or you got lost in the current that were your thoughts. It was amazing how well one person, well technically he wasn't just a person, could now another person. How it could feel like you knew him forever. You knew the smallest things about him, knew how many tiny moles he had on his body, who his favorite playwright was and how soft his hair was.

You thought about all the incredible things he did, from small to big gestures, to make you feel safe and loved. How he always saved you a seat at restaurants or events, that he would embarrass himself by telling you jokes when your mood was low. Even though he'd never admit that to anyone. You could see yourself marrying him someday.

"Just thinking about us. I had a funny thought", you said and turned your head to look at him. His hair was tousled, yet still looked perfect, and he smiled softly at you, his gaze was adoring. You loved those gentle moments with him, when it was just the two of you. When he let his guard down. He was usually so stern and stoic, but with you he opened up his heart and he was vulnerable and sweet and gentle.

"Do tell", his voice was deep and he gently ran his thumb across your cheek. "I just thought have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years", you told him what had been on your mind. He laughed a little at the absurdity, but then his eyes became serious as if he was thinking about your statement. He kissed your temple and pulled you close, so your head was laying on top of his chest again. "I know what you mean. It's like I've just encountered you yesterday. But then there is a part of me that has known you forever, that knows your very soul. I cannot possibly imagine a world without you. It would feel wrong".

He paused and you didn't know if he was embarrassed by his honesty or thinking about saying more. You gently hummed and ran your hand through his hair. "Promise me to stay?", he asked, his voice sweet, but his tone vulnerable.

Your heart contracted at his words and you felt a warmth cover your body. "I will stay. I'll go where you go", you promised. "We'll always be this close", you added with a soft laugh and he joined in. "Wouldn't that be nice", he mused and you were almost sure that he would say that he had to go back to the dreaming now. But he didn't. Instead he pulled you even closer and placed another kiss in your hair. "Don't worry. I'll stay. Forever and ever". 

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