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The wind was whistling through the leaves in a soft tune. When you closed your eyes you could feel the breeze, gentle and refreshing, on your face, your whole body, cooling your bones and your muscles. It was the first time today you could relax and just be.

Living with chronical illness was tough and you would not wish it on anybody. Some days were fine, others were horrible. Like today was. The pain in your body was so bad, that you could not move, bound to your bed for most of the day. The pain medicine you got did not help much and you spend most of the day silently crying or just starring at the ceiling without moving.

You had just waited until sleep took over your body and lured you into another world, another realm. Your safe heaven, your escape from your pain. The Dreaming was a place, where anything could be true. A place where you could dream impossible dreams. Even a life without your illness, without your pain.

Morpheus had met you a few years ago in one of your dreams and since that day had made it his mission to keep you safe and comfortable during your limited time in his realm. He went above and beyond to get you to experience things, that you could not experience in your own world. He took you dancing, snuck into yacht club parties with you, went for midnight swims or just looked at the stars.

Like today. When you fell asleep, you awoke on a familiar beach. Your boyfriend was already waiting for you. When he saw you, he immediately pulled you into a hug and you could feel the breeze getting even more gentle. "Hello, my love". He did not need to ask how your day was. He could see it clear on your face.

So he did not waste time on talking and instead comforted you and pressed gentle kisses on your hair as you buried your face in his neck. The two of you stayed like this for a few minutes. Nothing could be heard beside the wind in the trees and the sound of the sea. You could feel your heartbeat slow down as you melted further into your partners embrace.

After a while you pulled away. "What do you want to do, darling?", Morpheus wanted to know, ready to make all your dreams come true. You just shook your head. "Nothing big. Today was exhausting. I just want to sit here with you". You leaned against him.

His gaze was worried, his eyes fixated on your slumped figure. "You know I can make the pain go away, right? Say the word and I will make it stop. You can just stay here forever", his eyes turned hopeful and his gaze was set on something in the distance as he imagined your future. "We could get married. Have kids. Show them what love is like and we could teach them how to dream", his voice sounded longing.

You sat up so you could look at him. "We will do that. But not today". You saw something flash in his eyes, hurt maybe or disappointment. But it was gone within a second and was replaced by a soft expression. "It is okay. You do not have to explain it".

"But I want to. I want to have all those things with you. And I know my pain is bad, but I don't wanna give up on my human life just yet. I just need some more time. A year maybe", you promised and he knew you were sincere.

"I can wait a year". He smiled. "And besides. Till then we can still meet here every night". You cuddled into him again and sighted contented. "Yeah, and we can dream impossible dreams that will become true someday", you added knowing that your future with him was going to be wonderful and it was waiting for you.

AN: This was inspired by one of my favorite Taylor Swift song on Red (TV) called Starlight. 

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