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The second he saw your stumbling frame, panic shot though his whole body and every particle of his body was alerted. It was not unusual for you to have minor injuries. You were a clumsy person, so it happened more often than he wished, that he hat to patch you up, because the knife slipped while you were cooking or you fell down a flight of stairs.

But Morpheus still freaked out every time you had a tiny scratch or seemed mildly injured. This time it looked a bit worse, even for you. He was at your side before you could blink again, and slung his arms around your waist, in an attempt to steady you.

You leaned into him thankfully and allowed yourself to relax a little bit. Your head was pounding and your arm hurt. Morpheus gently cupped your face and his eyes were full of worry and fear. You opened your mouth, maybe to assure him that you were alright, maybe to apologize or maybe to explain what had happened. But he cut you off, before a sound could leave your lips.

"Let me take care of your injuries first and then we can talk", he sounded sweet, but firm and you just nodded. He picked you up, one arm under your back the other under your knee and you buried your face in his chest. You were able to walk, you knew that, but you also knew that arguing with him when he was worried about your well-being was pointless. So you let him carry you and enjoyed the warmth of his body and the comfort you found in his arms.

He carefully placed you on his bed, trying not to inflict more pain on you by accidently brushing against your injuries. "Where does it hurt, my love?", he wanted to know. "My head and my arm. Otherwise I am fine".

Morpheus's hands left your back and found the back of your head. You winced, when his fingers gently inspected your injury. He gave you an apologetic look and whispered sweet nothings, while his hands worked. It only took him a few seconds to heal you and then the pain in your head was suddenly gone and you let out a sigh of relief.

Without pausing Morpheus moved on to your arm. The sleeve of your blouse was ripped and he could see the big wound on his arm, blood mixed with some dirt and some textile fibers of your blouse. He carefully pulled the sleeve back and his hands once again found your skin and after a few seconds your arm was healed. There was still blood on your shirt and it was still ripped, but you were sure by tomorrow Morpheus would have gotten you a new one.

After finishing his work, he sat down on the bed next to you and pulled you in a gentle hug. His hands stroked your hair and he placed a kiss on the top of your head. "What happened, my love? What did you do this time?". His voice was quiet and sweet, mixed with a bit of amusement, now that he knew you are alright.

"It's a bit embarrassing", you admitted and laughed. "I was playing with Irwing and I may or may not fell down a hill and hit my head on a stone". For a few seconds he was completely quiet, then he let out a huff and pulled back, to look at you. He looked like he did not know whether he should laugh or cry. "My dear little dream", he started. "Can I not leave you alone for a few minutes, without you hurting yourself? And while playing with a baby gargoyle". Now he seemed aghast.

"I am sorry", you laughed and he pulled you into his chest again. "There is no need to apologize. I love how involved you are with the people in the Dreaming. But promise me to be more careful". You nuzzled your head into his neck. "I promise". 

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