Sweet Voice

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You have had a long day at work today and when you came home drained and exhausted, you wanted nothing more than to fall into the soft sheets of your bed and sleep. Morpheus was already at your place when you came home and he was the only reason you did not go straight to bed.

He made sure that you ate and showered first, things that always made you feel better. He knew that. Than he had helped you to do your skincare and brushed your hair, before lifting your arms up so he could put you in your sleep shirt.

After that he had carried you to bed and gently tucked you under the sheets. He had joined you seconds after and now you were cuddled against him. Your head was resting on his chest and his hands played softly with your hair.

None of you said a word. It was not needed. He knew you were to exhausted to talk about your day and he was certain you would tell him about it tomorrow over breakfast. So he did not press you to speak, just dwelled in the peace and quiet.

Your eyelids grew heavy and you wanted so desperately to be able to sleep. But sleep did not come. Instead your eyes opened again and you would have tossed and turned if he had not been embracing you. You let out an annoyed and defeated sigh.

"What is it, little dreamer?", Morpheus asked gently. His hand continued to stroke your hair and trace patterns on your back. "I can't sleep, but I'm so tired". Your voice sounded hollow and you mumbled a little.

It worried Morpheus. You usually fell asleep quickly, maybe because of his help though. But you sounded fragile right now and so, so tired. "I just have so many thoughts in my head and I can't seem to drown them out", you added when he did not answer.

"I know something that might help. Just focus on my voice and try to relax", your partner said after a few seconds of consideration. You nodded against his chest and closed your eyes again. You had no idea what he wanted to try, but you were grateful for any help and you certainly loved his voice.

But you were still surprised by what he did. He sang to you. A soft, calm melody of words you had never heard before. An unfamiliar song, that sounded to much like home and peace at the same time. Like you had heard it before, but had forgotten about it. His voice was deep and quiet. It soothed you and put your mind at ease and for the first time today your head felt completely empty and all the anxiety and stress of the day were washed of you.

You relaxed into his embrace even more and your skin tingled under his soft touches. He continued to sing and to gently caress you, until you fell asleep in his arms. He continued singing for a few minutes longer, to make sure you were really fast asleep. Then he looked at your sleeping body for a few moments, with a look of adoration and pure love, before he closed his eyes and joined you in the realm of dreams.

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