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The window to your living room was open and you knew you'd curse yourself later when you had to wipe the water of your floor, but for now you were perfectly happy. It was raining softly outside and the soft sound of the raindrops hitting the roof were your favorite sound.

It was late summer and you enjoyed the changing seasons. You loved that the rain cooled down the earth, the summer had definitely been to hot. And you loved how the world was like after the rain. You loved the puddles on the street and how the pavement glowed from the water. You loved how the plants looked and the animals that came out after the rain.

But most of all you loved the scent of the rain. Petrichor as it was called. It still amazed you that it had a name. You loved how the air got so clean and earthy. You and Morpheus definitely had to go on a walk when the rainfall was over.

But right now you were perfectly happy where you were. You were cuddled up on your sofa under the soft blanket you crocheted for Morpheus a few weeks ago. On the table was a steaming cup of tea and in your hand you held your favorite book.

But the most important thing was the big black cat, that was purring in your lap. He knew you loved cats and sadly your landlord didn't allow you to adopt one, no matter how hard you begged and how often you promised for it to be clean. So every once in a while, especially on rainy, cozy days like this, he shifted in his cat form and enjoyed the cuddled he got from you.

He obviously would never admit that and said he only did it for you, but you knew he loved it as much as you did. You gently placed your book next to you and leaned forward to grab you cup from the table. The cat let out a protesting meow and gave you a sour stare. You apologized and rolled your eyes. He really was the perfect cat. You liked to mock him sometimes, said that he always gave of wet, black cat energy. He never took it well, but also didn't told you to stop.

You took a zip and sighted content before placing the mug on the table again, this time careful not to disturb Morpheus. You gently started to pet him and scratched his head and chin. He purred louder and cuddled into your hand. A soft smile spread over your face as you picked up your book with one hand, while the other still caressed his fur. This really was the perfect cozy day.

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