Touch Starved

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This was new to Morpheus. He never really enjoyed or craved physical touch. He did not have nor need it when he was existing, ever. But that was before he was imprisoned, before he had met you.

Now there was this craving, this sudden need, that took over his every thought and every cell of his body. A need to be close to you, all the time, and to touch you. To cup your face and kiss your forehead, to stroke you hair and to hug you for hours while you sit on his lap.

And he wanted to be touched by you to. He wanted you to toy with his hair, while he held you, to feel your warm breath on his neck, when you rested your head on his shoulder and for you to hold his hand and to whisper sweet nothings.

It scared him how much he craved this, how all of his thoughts only revolved around that. He did not ever felt like this before and he did not know what to think about it. A part of him was embarrassed. He was the king of dreams and nightmares after all and he had a reputation for being stoic and cold.

And because he was like that, stubborn and headstrong he did not tell you about any of this for days, until it had built up and he could not think straight anymore. But because he was so stubborn and did not like to admit that he needed your touch, he had distanced himself from you over the past days, not seeing clearly enough to notice how that was really counterproductive.

So you missed it too. His sweet, soft touches and the things he whispered in your ear, when he thought no one was watching or when he forgot his principles for a sweet second. You wanted to be close to him again, to touch hum.

It was not about sexuality, it was about intimacy. The sweet, tender kind, the one that made you forget time and space. The one that slowed your heartbeat instead of making your heart burst in your chest. The kind of intimacy and closeness that made you question how you ever got so content and lucky. The kind of embrace that wants you to stop time. When you are so fully at ease with yourself and your world that you think "I could die happy right now", but at the same time you want to never let go.

It sounded dramatic, but it was how you felt. So when you entered the throne room and found Morpheus sitting on his throne, starring into nothing, not even reading a book or fulfilling other duties, your heart acted before your head. Within seconds you rushed up the stairs and you saw a surprised look on his face, before you fell into his arms and crawled into his lap.

His surprise was gone as fast as it came and was replaced by the biggest smile you had seen on his face for a long time. Without hesitation he pulled you closer and placed one hand on your hip, the other on the back of your head to keep you from falling.

You scent filled his mind and the warmth of your body and warmed his heart. You buried your head in his neck and held him so tight that if he were human it would hurt him. His hand started to stroke your hair and the other one softly caressed your back and he let out a content sound, that would have embarrassed him any other day, when you placed a kiss on his collarbone and gently kneaded your hands though his hair.

He felt joyous and terrible at the same time. Terrible because he pushed you away and because he did not say something sooner. So he does now. He whispers sincere apologies in your ear and tells you all the thoughts he had those past days. He lets it all out and tells you things he never told you before because in this moment he decided to be completely honest with you.

The two of you are so caught up in each other that you do not even notice when Lucienne enters the throne room and smiles amused and lovingly, before leaving quietly. 

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