The stuff of your (bad) dreams

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You walked through the dimly lit corridors of Morpheus's castle in the Dreaming, your footsteps echoing softly against the stone walls. You were not a huge fan of the dark, but in the Dreaming you always felt safe. You knew Morpheus would never let anything happen to you. But you could not help but to shiver slightly, as you walked through the corridors, something strange scary filled the air.

You rounded a corner and came to an abrupt halt. Morpheus study was behind the door on the left and usually the door was closed. You visited him sometimes, when he was working in his throne room, but when he was in the study you knew better then to disturb him. So far you had only seen the room once.

But now the door was open slightly, enough to let some soft light flood through, which made some light spots on the floor. But that was not what caught your attention. There was something strange going on in the room. There were shadows in weird shapes dancing on the wall, but from your position you could not see what caused them.

They moved in an almost mesmerizing way and for a few seconds you were almost certain you saw the silhouette of a person. Or rather something more than a person. You knew you should be afraid, terrified, but you were not. You were a bit anxious and it felt like lightning was shooting through your veins, but the thrill was amazing.

So instead of running away or screaming for help, you crept closer and risked to look inside the study. You were right. Whatever was in there was not human. Technically nothing here, aside from you, was. In the dim light it was not possible to see everything. The creature was cloaked in shadows, tall and bulky and you were almost certain that it had horns.

You leaned against the door to get a better look, when the wood creaked underneath your fingertips and the creature whirled around. Your heart jumped, then stopped for a second. It's eyes were beautiful. There was something sinister in the yellowish gold that looked right into your soul and you would have sworn that those eyes looked familiar. Then something like shock was displayed in them and within seconds the figure dissolved, leaving only your partner Morpheus behind.

The lights in the room became brighter and Morpheus was touching you, before you could get a word out. "My love, are you alright? Forgive me. I did not mean to scare you". Truth is, you were not scared. Quite the opposite. An unexpected response welled up in your body. Yes, you had been scared for a second, when the creature spotted you. But then desire started to course through your veins, igniting a flame deep within your core.

"Well, mark me down as scared and horny", you muttered, still a little beside yourself. Morpheus's eyes held your gaze as he tried to process your response. Guilt was still pressing down on him as he had not intended for you to see him like this. Then his features softened and his grip on your arm became softer. An almost smug smile tucked on his lips.

"You found that ... arousing?", he said, his voice something between disbelieve and humorous. He seemed curious, like an idea had just formed in his head. With a gentle smile you cupped his face in his hands, somehow not feeling as embarrassed as you should have felt. Morpheus never judged you and you felt completely save opening up to him.

"Yes, kinda", you admitted, your voice soft and quiet. He smiled genuinely know and pulled you into a kiss. It started sweet and slow, but his tongue found its way in your mouth and soon there was a heat between you. He pushed you against the door as his hands caressed your waist. "Well, know I have a few ideas what we could try next", he whispered against your lips.

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