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The nightmares came back about two weeks ago. You used to struggle with them a lot when you were younger, they had started when you were just a kid. But as you got older they started to appear way less and when you were an adult they completely stopped. Until now.

You had started to lose sleep because of them. Every night you put off going to bed for as long as you could and as soon as you closed your eyes and drifted off, they were there, lurking in the shadows of your mind, waiting to attack. So you woke up gasping and panting, covered in sweat, multiple times a night.

Because of that you also had not seen your boyfriend Morpheus for those two weeks, neither in the Dreaming nor in the waking world. Technically you knew that you should tell him and that he could help you, but you did not want to bother him. And a part of you was ashamed for being a full grown-up, who was haunted by a silly, little nightmare.

So two weeks passed by in a blur, filled with tears, sleepless nights and way too much coffee. The lack of sleep started to take a toll on you and your skin became ashy and dry and your eyes heavy and they had dark circles under them. You did not want Morpheus to see you like this anyway.

But you were wondering if he noticed your absence or if he worried about you at all. A little, shameful part of you was a little bit mad that he did not came to look for you or at least send Matthew to make sure you were alright.

Right now you were sitting on your sofa, fighting the sleep, that tried to lure you in. Your eyelids became heavy and they fell shut every few seconds, but each time you forced them open again.

You were interrupted by a quiet, but deep voice, which echoed through your apartment. "Why are you not sleeping, my love". This time your eyes opened quickly and you stood up startled. Morpheus was standing in you living room, casually leaning against the doorframe. "You scared me", you accused him and he gave you an apologetic look.

"I apologize. But you did not answer my question". You snorted and slumped back down on the couch. He sat down next to you and gently draped his arm around you. "You already know, don't you?", you said quietly, not looking at him.

His hand delicately grabbed your chin, so your gaze would meet his. His dark eyes were gentle and sweet, but you could tell he was concerned and also slightly upset. "Yes", he admitted, "But I want you to explain it to me. Why didn't you tell me the nightmares were back? You know I never mind helping you with them".

You gave in. "I am sorry, for not telling you about the nightmares. I don't even know why I didn't. I guess I didn't want to bother you. And it is a really silly nightmare". You smiled tormented.

His gaze softened at your words. "My love, you could never bother me. I want you to come to me, whenever something is wrong. Even if nothing is wrong or you think it is silly. Just come to me, please".

You looked at your feet, ashamed by his words. But he did not hesitate to pull your body into him and then you were lifted off the sofa. Morpheus carried you to your room and gently placed you on the bed. You did not dare to protest, you were so tired and you knew he would be able to make it better.

You crawled under the covers, not even taking of your clothes, and he laid down next to you and pulled you closer, so your head was on his chest. He stroked your hair for a few seconds and you could not remember a moment in which you felt more at peace or happier then right now.

"I will", you broke the silence and he hummed questioningly. "Talk to you, I mean. Next time I need to. I promise it". He smiled softly and his hands were even more gentle. "Good. I love you. Now be quiet and I will help you fall asleep. You do not have to worry about that nightmare ever again".

You did as you were told. "I love you", you whispered, before you fell asleep. It was the most restful sleep you ever had in your life with the most wonderful dream. 

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