Geats Extra: Barclx

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(An: was half sleep when making this, like 70% percent of this is AI generated (normally it would be like 30%) you should probably skip this, not sure if I should keep this as canon. No this does not signal new chapters :( )

Hello, I am Barclx. I used to be called Hiiro Uesugi, but I’ve long thrown that name away.
I want to rule the world.
Here’s my story.
I was born in a powerful family. My Mom is an Onna-bugeisha (female martial artist) and my Dad was a wandering swordsman who traveled the world in search of his own piece of justice.
I wanted to be a samurai back then, because I wanted powers. So my mom would teach me swordsmanship and how to use my power for good.
The morning sun had barely crested the treeline as Mother woke me with a splash of frigid well water. I spluttered awake with a gasp.
"Up!" she barked. "The dawn awaits no lazy child. Your enemy shows no mercy, so why should the day?"
I dragged myself from wet blankets with a groan, shivering. Mother stood implacable, katana already balanced across her palms. Her eyes, cold and grey as slate, dared me to dally further.
With a sigh I took up my bokken and faced her in the practice ring. She struck without warning, a silvery blur that whistled past my cheek.
"Faster," she chided. "In battle, hesitation is death. Again!"
Our wooden blades clacked and clattered as the sun climbed higher. Sweat stung my eyes but I did not dare wipe it, not with her scything attacks coming mere fractions of a second apart. One strike, two, three in rapid succession - I barely managed to parry them all.
"Pathetic," Mother sneered when at last I faltered, bokken knocked aside. "My grandmother moves with more vigour in her sleep. You think to protect our domain with such feeble skill?"
I clenched my jaw, forcing back the sting of angry tears. "No, Mother. I can do better."
"Prove it then. Or are you content to live forever in my shadow?"
Determined, I raised my practice sword once more. "I will become strong!”
My chance came at the summer dojo tournament. Warriors from far and wide had gathered to test their steel. When I at last stepped into the ring to make my debut, the assembled crowd bellowed for blood.
My first opponent was a hulking monster of a man, easily twice my size. But as he charged with mockery on his lips, I pivoted fluidly around his clumsy strike and kicked the back of his leg. He crashed face-first into the dirt with a yelp.
"Finish him!" Mother commanded from the stands. My blade was at the fallen man's throat before his daze could clear. Only Mother's approving nod held my hand from closing those final inches.
My next challengers proved harder tests of skill, and for the first time I felt alive in combat. No longer was this merely obedience to Mother's will - this was pleasure. My blood sang with each parry and riposte, my vision narrowing to pinpoints of primal instinct. Strike, dodge, counterstrike - the steps of the dance came as naturally as breathing now.
By my final duel, the crowds were screaming Hiiro’s name until it shook the timbers. My foe was swift but lacking in craft, and soon his nose joined the orchestra of cracks and snaps from bones broken throughout the day. I let him wriggle like a pinned insect before languidly slitting his throat.
Mother's fierce grin was reward enough. At long last, I had proven myself in her eyes and the eyes of our domain. My path was set - from this day forth, I would hone my skills until none remained who could challenge my supremacy. The sword was my drug and battle my ecstasy. Power would be mine, by any means necessary.
In the seasons that followed, my legend spread throughout the land. None could stand against my blade for long, and soon I had carved out my own dominion amidst the endless trials of that turbulent age.
But power did not satisfy for long. One challenger after another fell before me, their lives forfeit as blossoms plucked too soon. It was not enough merely to defeat - I craved to push the boundaries of what flesh could withstand.
But one fateful day…
“What- what is this?”
I was amazed, by a red wall that appeared in front of me. It was not something that belonged to this world.
But that wasn’t all: monsters. Monsters with creepy faces, holding spears. They killed the citizens in the village, they plunged their deep spears into the unsuspecting villagers.
The village square became a nightmarish tableau, the once vibrant streets now stained with a gruesome tapestry of viscera. Limbs contorted at unnatural angles, torsos rent open, and organs splayed in a grotesque mockery of life. The air was thick with the sickening scent of decay and the metallic tang of fresh blood.
“A- amazing!”
It was truly amazing. It’s the stuff that I wanted to experience.
But it won’t be like that for long. ‘Saviours’ came. They have belt-like devices, and they transform.
These ‘heroes’ stopped the chaos. I wanted to see more! This can’t be all!
When I walked back home, I saw a letter on my table.
[Desire Grand Prix - Jyamato Cultivators Invitation Card.
Grab the ID Core next to this letter if you want to join us.
- DGP Management (Suel)]
There was something besides the letter, it’s small, circular.
I touched it, and was immediately teleported to a place. It was a building, empty with nothing but people.
Then a man showed up, he has a mark, and red clothes. He has black gloves that connect to… no where. His body is invisible except for his clothes and mark.
He spoke, "Welcome to the Desire Grand Prix. I am Suel. You have been summoned to be potential Jyamato Cultivators. People who grow Jyamato monsters to kill people. We’ve chosen you all based on your willingness to use Jyamato to kill and your potential power.”
The place was filled with people, this guy looked like a farmer, that guy looked like he was a noble…
He continued, “But not everyone can join. We will provide tests that you will have to complete to pass. The first one…”
A device appeared on everyone’s head.
“Withstand this, and you’ll pass the test” Suel snapped his fingers
The device clamped onto our heads with a mechanical hiss, and an immediate wave of excruciating pain surged through my skulls. Each participant writhed and contorted, their screams filling the empty building. The agony was unlike anything I had ever experienced, a searing fire that seemed to penetrate not just their flesh but their very souls.
But I was not about to give up, not now. Not when I was this close!
Using all of my mental and physical strength, I gritted my teeth and forced myself to stay still. The pain kept mounting until it felt like I was going to explode from the sheer intensity of it, sweat dripping down my brow as the other participants succumbed one by one.
Meanwhile, the other participants began to succumb one by one. Their eyes and noses filled with a sickening flow of blood, their screams joining those of the others in a nightmarish chorus of terror and agony. No one was spared, every participant succumbing to the unbearable torture.
But then, it stopped. The device fell off my bloodied head and the pain slowly started to recede. I had made it.
I: Archimedel
II: Hiiro Uesugi
III: Gard omel Sainchur
… ]
After a few tense moments, the silence was broken by a low voice that seemed to come from everywhere at once. "Well done," it said. "15 of you have passed. But the next test will come soon. You will left alone in a room for 24h fighting Jyamatos. You will be introduced to the Desire Driver”
Without a break, I was teleported again.
I found myself in a bare cell, alone as promised. My aching skull was still ringing from the torture device's legacy.
A slot in the heavy metal door slid open, revealing a pair of gloved hands holding a strange belt. "Your Desire Driver," a voice echoed. The hands dropped the belt and slot slammed shut.
Heart racing, I picked up the Driver and studied its foreign mechanisms. Was this truly some kind of transformation technology? I clicked it around my waist experimentally.
A grinding noise drew my gaze upward, where a panel in the ceiling slid aside. From the newly revealed chute poured a torrent of bizarre alien creatures. Jyamatos, I recalled - the monsters this cult raised.
The wave of creatures hit the floor in a tangled, writhing mass. Bodies crawled and flipped atop each other as they sorted themselves out, jagged carapaces clicking and armor plates scraping together. Multiple pairs of soulless eyes swiveled to lock onto me.
I knew then that words alone would not save me here. If I wanted to control them, then I would need to show who’s boss.
I took a little pink piece that came along with the driver.
[Desire Driver!]
A floating hologram appeared right next to me. It says something in another language, and behind the text is a pink hammer symbol.
Steeling my nerves, I activated the device.
[Armed Hammer.]
[Ready? Fight!]
Fight indeed…
The Jyamatos swarmed me in an instant, slashing claws scrabbling for purchase on my unfamiliar armor. I swung the unwieldy hammer with both hands, feeling its weight shift in my grip, and bashed one creature square in its chitinous faceplate. It skittered back with an unearthly shriek, green blood spurting from every crack in its mask.
Another leapt onto my back, digging claws beneath my collar. I bucked and thrashed, feeling fresh lines of fire score my flesh, before mustering the strength to flip it over my head. It tumbled into two charging companions and all three went down in a tangle of flailing limbs.
But more replaced them tenfold, a roiling carpet of carapaces crawling relentlessly closer. I swung my hammer with abandon, feeling the impacts travel jarringly up my arms with each hit. One strike pulped a pair of eyes into gelatinous muck. Another caved in an entire serrated maw.
Yet still they came. Blinded by myriad slashes, I fought by instinct alone, battering foes aside by the sheer momentum of my swings. Claws raked through seams in my strugglesuit, drawing wet lines across tender meat. My armor hissed and steamed where their grasping talons sank deep.
How long we battled, I cannot say. Time dissolved into an endless round of parry and riposte, each spinning exchange more desperate than the last. Blood slicked the floor to form an treacherous second skin. At some point the endless waves began to thin. Only a few diehards remained.
With a roar I swung my hammer two-handed and crushed the last Jyamato's skull like a rotten melon. Its twitching corpse slid to join the shoreline of dismembered alien dead. I collapsed then, heaving, too spent and shredded to stand. But I had survived. Against all odds, I had passed the test.
Eventually, all of the survivors regrouped. Suel congratulated us and then a man wearing a black uniform appeared. He is probably another person working for the DGP.
“Come with me” He teleported us to a part that is probably inside the DGP.
“You won’t be here for long so take a good look at the inner workings of the DGP” The man ssid.
We were ontop of a bridge above countless machinery and workers scurrying about. Countless lootboxes, Desire Drivers, and more weird stuff are being produced here.
And then, the man brought us to another room in the facility. We were met with a cacophony of screams from people lying on beds, all with strange machines on their heads. He explained that these machines weren't like the ones we had seen before; this time, they were solely designed to completely wipe away any memories that individuals possessed.
Finally, the tour ended and we were standing infront of a dimensional portal.
“Make your way into the portal. Your job begins here”.
We made our way into the portal.
The other side?
It was a weird place inside the forest, the place has fences surrounding it. In the middle was an old house, not too impressive, but will do.
And then I saw what I came here for: on top of the trees were monsters. Baby monsters. They’re supposedly baby Jyamatos and it’s up to me to cultivate them into strong Jyamatos.
I grabbed a small box of ID Cores which can be used as fertilizer.
“Let’s get to work, shall we?” I said out loud.
But I found out that the ID Cores had more interesting things that they first seemed.
They contain Desire, Desire of the dead players. Which is a huge source of power.
I mean sure using as fertilizer is cool, but I felt like I can do cooler stuff with it. I have the tools to experiment, so I saved a few of the ID Cores in a while.
Whenever a new DGP Round comes, I’ll get a letter explaining what kinds of Jyamatos I need to make. The challenge is to make them as strong as possible while following the rules of the game.
And my instincts weren’t wrong. As I collected Buckles that players drop, I somehow figured out that I can engineer my own Buckle.
Eventually, after countless tries, I got it right.
“The Game Master will be mad, but I don’t care”
[Desire Driver!]
The game was simply about defending a city. The players splitted so it was the perfect chance.
I released the Jyamatos into the city and they caused a cacophony of destruction and mayhem. Buildings were toppled, stolen goods ransacked, and people were screaming in fear. It felt like an apocalypse; it was total chaos.
In the chaos I saw my mother, ever being the hero she is, she used her sword to save everyone.
“Hiiro! Come! Use your blade to strike these monster down!”
I nodded and unsheathed my sword.
“Yeah… definitely…” an evil grin spread across my face.
I stabbed her without warning, and the blade made a deep puncture in her flesh. Blood spurted from the wound as she let out a scream of agony. “Why?” She asked in between sobs, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own cries.
“What? You think I wanted to be a hero? Sorry!” I drilled the sword deeper and her eyes widened in shock. “I just wanted to rule the world.” I pulled out my sword.
The Kamen Riders came, seeing my bloodied sword.
“Did- did he do it?” A Kamen Rider having pink helmet that looked like a pig came. He has Magnum armor.
“Some people are sick” another one who was themed after an eagle followed. He has Monster armor.
“I sure am” I grinned.
[Ready? Fight!]
I charged at the Riders with my fangs bared, cutting them off from their escape routes. My movements were precise and fluid, allowing me to easily dodge and parry their blows. No matter how hard they tried to fight back, they couldn't do anything against my superior strength and speed. I could see the terror in their eyes as I closed in on them, driving them further into a corner with no way out.
“This guy is too strong!” The guy with Magnum said.
“Retrea-” The guy with Monster armor never finished his sentence, as I launched a powerful kick that sent him flying.
[Dragon Strike!]
I flew up, grabbing both of their necks. They struggled to break free, but it was useless.
Then I smashed both of them into each other.
“Ugh…” the Monster guy vomited blood.
They destransformed. I grab their broken ID Cores and Desire Drivers.
[Mission Failed.]
They dissapeared.
“This power- amazing!” I laughed maniacally.
with this power and the ever growing Jyamatos. I’ll rule the world. One day, I’ll make everything I ever wanted to come true. And no one will be able to stop me. Not even the Desire Grand Prix.
A few months later…
I was sitting under a tree, planning my next move.
I saw a guy wearing brown clothes lying far away from me. I can see him.
He has weird Buckles next to him. Like this red one, and this one has is a gun, no it’s not Magnum.
He seemed unconcious, yeah I’ll let him be.
“Sleep while you can, this world will be ruined soon” I walked away.



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