But how's Koatycoon and Pollen doing?The medium difficulty raid assigned to Koatycoon and Pollen's team saw them infiltrating a large, fortified city overrun by Jyamato forces. Working together, the two Riders fought their way through street after street filled with monsters.
Koatycoon used his ninja skills to stealthily take down enemies from behind. "Three down!" he called out after teleporting onto a rooftop and slashing three Jyamatos silently with his dual blades. Meanwhile, Pollen waged a more head-on assault, phasing through attacks and cutting down foes with her chainsaw.
Despite their effective teamwork, the city was teeming with Jyamato warriors. As the two Riders regrouped at a crossroads, they were suddenly surrounded on all sides. "There's too many of them!" said Koatycoon worriedly. But Pollen remained determined. "We can handle this many small fry. Just follow my lead!" She activated her finisher.
[Poison Charge! Tactical Break!]
Pollen began spinning like a tornado, her chainsaw extending into a whirling wheel of death. Koatycoon understood her strategy and joined in by throwing explosive shuriken in a widened spinning arc. The two attacks combined to form a perfect defensive sphere, shredding any Jyamatos foolish enough to enter the sphere.
When the dust settled, all enemies around them lay in pieces. "Nice work!" said Koatycoon. Pollen nodded in acknowledgment of his praise, and the two pressed on to complete their raid.
With the hard raid being done solo by Ace, and the medium raid not being that difficult, surely nothing bad will happen in the easy raid.
Tusk and Tora-Go have just finished with their last Jyamato Riders, it seems that everyone was done.
But then.Barclx stepped out.
“Hello.” He held the Desire Driver
[Desire Driver!] [Entry.]
“You- you are a Kamen Rider?” Tusk asked wide-eyed.
“Yes, but not exactly your teammate” He answered and grabbed a Buckle. The Buckle has the shape of a Dragon’s head, with shades of red and orange.
Tora-Go readied her weapons.
“Be careful, Jin-san. This guy might be our opponent”
A logo having the shape of a dragon appeared next to him, saying “Dragon” in white.
He triggered the Buckle. The dragon head in the Buckle released fire and it hits the logo, turning into armor. The robotic arm grabbed the armor, and fitted it onto Barclx’s body.
The armor was mostly red and orange. The front was designed with the shape of a dragon’s head, and silver metal covered his legs.
“Kamen Rider Barclx, that’s my name”
[Ready? Fight!]
Kamen Rider Geats: Back in Time
Fiksi Ilmiahdude is back in medieval times after being clapped by Mukbanger Niram. Also this story is canon-divergence, or if I dont understand it correctly: different stuff from the show, contradicting canon stuff (this story has usage of AI (not alot but if y...