Fracture VII: The Revival (P2)

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"Quite the battle there." Win appeared. Koatycoon took a defensive stance but Tora-Go stopped him.

"Not here for a fight. Just trying to see how my own teammate does. But he should probably fix his own mental." Win commented.

Far away, Archimedel unleashed a purple beam that knocked Buffa away detransforming him.

"Buffa!" Geats still struggling with the Boost MK-II Jyamato Rider.
"This is a lost fight." Geats said.

[Boost Attached!] Geats set his Boost Buckle in his rifle
[Boost Tactical Target!]

Geats aimed it at Archimedel, "Eat this!". A hologram of a red target sign appeared below the Shadow Jyamato as a missile came straight towards him from the sky.
"What?" he rolled away in time as the missile exploded.

When the dust went away, Geats and Buffa were long gone.
"No! They got away! You all, find every RIders now!!!" The Shadow Jyamato screamed as big hordes of Jyamatos appeared rushing all over the place. However he found no one

Some time later, the round ended.

Sakurai sat alone within the abandoned building he now called home. For hours he'd been lost in turbulent thought, replaying the battle's climax over and over in his mind.

He had Neon at his mercy, katana poised to deliver the finishing blow. But then she looked at him, and for a moment he saw his lost sister Sara gazing back instead. The memories came flooding back - of holding Sara's small lifeless body in the rain, of his vow of vengeance against the DGP.

Now he stood on the precipice of becoming the very monster he sought to destroy. Could he truly take a life, even for the sake of revenge? Sakurai wrestled with these doubts, unsure of his own path forward anymore.

Suddenly, the doors burst open with a mighty kick. Kekera stormed in, eyes blazing with rage. "Why didn't you kill her when you had the chance?!" he demanded.

"I- I can't take a life." Sakurai looked down, barely making any sounds.
"Huh? What is that you're giving me now?!" Kakera shot back.
"When I look at her... I saw Sara, and I-"
"Did you not remember your desire?! Do you want to get her back, yes or no??"
"...But I can just win the game, and then make a wish!" Sakurai pretended to be happy and piped himself up.
"What if you don't? What if the other teams make games that aren't a free-for-all match? If you had just killed when you had the chance, you would easily win."

Sakurai became silent. His path of revenge had brought him to a crossroads - commit murder, or find another way.

Kekera made his way closer into Sara's room. In his hands is the Bujinsword Raise Buckle.

"I made this as the key for you, the only thing left you need, to become a True Kamen Rider." Kekera said.

His gaze bored into him demandingly. "I did not assist you all this way to spare your enemies. You know where weakness has led you before. Carry out your mission, or throw it all away for some misguided mercy."

Sakurai stood still. He doesn't know what to do.

"Fine. Do it your way. This power is for vengence, not empty mercy. Consider it destroyed." Kekera threatened.
"No! You can't!" Sakurai lunged ahead and took the Buckle away, "It is my power, and the only chance I have at achieving my Desire..."
Kekera laughed harshly, "I'll have it destroyed by the Goddess. How dissapointing, Tycoon!"

Sakurai heard it all. But one word stood out from everything else.

"Do you... have access to the Goddess of Creation, Kekera?"
"Idiotic question. How else did you think I got you Bujinsword?"

Sakurai immediately jumped and grabbed Kekera's shoulders.

"Please! I beg you! Revive Sara! Please!" He begged and shook Kekera's shoulders. Kekera pushed him away, "I don't support cowards. Like you."

Sakurai immediately tossed away all of the humanity he had left. All he had to do now, is convince Kekera.

"Please!" Sakurai knelt down, "I'll do anything! I'll end all Kamen Riders! Neon, Michinaga... Even Ace!"

"Pathetic..." Kekera was about to walk away completely, but seemed like an idea formed in his head. He turned back.

"Go with me." He suddenly made a decision.

"Why?" Sakurai was confused. But it doesn't matter.

The both of them soon appeared in the place where the Goddess of Creation is in. Kekera handed Sakurai a Desire Card already written "Revive Sakurai Sara -Kekera".
Sakurai quickly took the card and rushed infront of the Goddess of Creation, "PLEASE! REALIZE MY IDEAL WORLD!"

Loud bell sounds echoed out, its tone echoing across the lands. A pale cyan light washed over the terrain, warping and reshaping all that existed.

When the glow faded, the world had been remade anew according to the Goddess' whims.

Sakurai blinked in the aftermath, barely registering the transformation around him. All that mattered was the card in his hands - the promise of his deepest desire fulfilled.

Without hesitation, he tore off alone across the reborn landscape. Kekera watched him go with an enigmatic smile, his part played for now in the unfolding drama.

As for Sara, Sakurai raced headlong towards the city, heart pounding in fearful anticipation of what awaited him there. Had the Goddess' power truly worked its magic? He had to know - the answer was close now after so long apart.

And the Goddess of Creation is nearing her inevitable end.

DDGP Rules: No one can sense the remaking of the world outside of Desire Grand Prix staff members.

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