Shadow III: Bonds Tested (P1)

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Win and Ace exited the DGP lounge after knowing about the double threats looming around.

But after walking for a while, they got attacked by a familiar turquoise haired woman. She flashed a beautiful but deadly smile as she unfolds her army knife, pointing them towards Ace, "Hey... give me your power..."

"As if!" Win rushed a head, fists ready to fight her.

He rushed ahead, throwineg a punch a her. She weaved between the movements, and retaliated with her own swings of the knife. Win ducked one of her swings, and gained some distance.

As they exchanged blows, Avara's knife sliced through the air with precision. Win ducked and weaved, trying to wrest the weapon away. But she kicked free of his grasp, retaining her hold on the blade.

Her slash from upwards was parried by Win's crossed arms. Retaliating, Avara jabbed at his exposed torso with her other free hand. Though Win stepped clear, her touch left an odd tingling sensation.

When next they clashed, Win threw a punch that should have landed solidly. But meeting her open palm caused him to cry out in pain and recoil.

"OW- ow! ow! What the heck?! Did I punch steel??" Win exclaimed, clutching his hand in confusion and shock. Though she wore no gloves or guards, her skin had felt as hard as steel on impact.

Shaking off the pain, Win jumped back at Avara with renewed determination. His next strike landed squarely on her torso. But yet again it caused a grunt from Win. Her skin had felt like impacting solid iron under his knuckles.

"Really now?" Win exclaimed.

Avara turned her gaze to Ace, a hungry glint in her eyes. "Now it's your turn, boy." She lunged fluidly with knife and fist.

Ace met her attack carefully, avoiding direct blows. Where their limbs connected, he rolled with the impact rather than bracing against her hardened flesh.

Weaving between slashes and jabs, Ace conserved his energy while evading harm. It seemed Avara's skin could turn to steel at a moment's notice - he dared not test its impenetrability himself.

Avara grew increasingly frustrated in her duel with Ace. When Win rushed in to aid his companion, an idea struck.

"Tsk, I'll deal with you later." She deftly grabbed Win's approaching fist. To his bewilderment, her grip now felt entirely human.

"Come here, buddy. Let me see what you know." Her gaze bored into his, and Win froze as alien sensations pounded his mind.

Memories flashed unbidden - battles, conversations, secrets of the DGP laid bare before Avara's hypnotic stare. She sifted through it all, gleaning vital clues.

As suddenly as it began, her intrusion ended. Win staggered back, dazed and unstable on his feet, "What the heck was that?"

Avara smiled slyly. "Some nice info you had in there. Did my body feel human again?"

Win shook his head to clear it, only deepening his confusion. She walked pass the both of them, her form glowing as she vanished under a glowing light.

At the Kurama estate...
Armed officers have arrived in front of the estate, handcuffs ready as they dragged Kousei out of the building. Years of DGP's ilegal activities being brought into light, and the associated goverment party wanting to cut ties led to Kousei, Neon's 'father', being arrested.

Irumi, Neon's 'mother', wept openly, desperately clutching to him to no avail. Kousei's expression was one of hopelessness, as he doesn't even have the energy to thrash and rage.

Michinaga, who just happened to walk by, watched him getting shoved roughly into a police vehicle, eyes filled with grief. For all kinds of people that they were, the Kurama Conglomerate and its ties were the only one preventing public panic among the citizens.

All of their assets are going to be seized, the entire empire Kousei built, everything is going to vanish.

[Michinaga: Neon, your father is getting arrested.] He texted in the group chat.

The news also reached Avara, who appeared in DGP's 4d viewing room after ordering and gathering what she got during all of the previous memory steals. These rooms were provided by third parties back in the Metaverse, hence, they're not destroyed when the DGP vanished.

She was quickly met with a gun point from Beroba's Photon Raise Cannon, "Who are you?"

Beroba was in the room before, cooking up a new plan for Michinaga, as he made amends with Sakurai before, so obviously, she didn't like it.

Avara held her hands up, "Chill, Beroba, Michinaga's Supporter, correct?"

"Yeah? What about it? I'm used to dealing with outsiders, so spill the beans. The jelly beans." Beroba said.

"Pollen, I know. Anyways, I know your target is Michinaga, but why don't you and me, we target someone else instead? I will then help you continue your 'puppet' of Michinaga, if you will" Avara proposed. "You know who I'm talking about, the other target you had, whose family is going through great turmoil."

Beroba's face flashed a sense of intrigue, "Oh? You sure did research."

"If I can get what I want... I can make anyone you want totally miserable. Doesn't that sound amazing?" Avara stepped closer. "You like misery, don't you?"

Beroba eyed Avara skeptically, keeping her cannon raised. "You know, I don't trust outsiders who come slithering in with vague proposals and sweet words." 

She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "But I will admit, chaos does pique my interests. And the Kurama family's downfall does seem a prime opportunity..."

Lowering her weapon slightly, Beroba studied Avara more closely. "Very well, you've got my attention. Explain what you want."

Avara smiled cunningly. "Straight to business, I appreciate that." She looked at Beroba's weapon. "Design me a game, with that tool of yours. Then you can sit back and watch, as I unleash my mayhem. Total. Utter. Misery."

She let the promise linger tauntingly in the air between them. Beroba's eyes glinted with intrigue and mischievous glee at the delicious prospect, "Oh~ how exciting!". She grabbed a jelly bean and ate it.

(an: obviously)

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