Design X: Peace

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(an: uh this will be a rather uneventful chapter, drama and finale of this arc is coming, but we chill and relax first)

In a bustling cosplay/game cafe, where everyone channels literature power to come up with the most amazing DnD scenarios possible, Ace and Michinaga sat across each other.
They were dressed in comfy fantasy costumes inspired by classic D&D classes - Ace in a rogue-esque garb of leather armor and cloak, Michinaga as a stern-faced paladin.
Yes, the game they are playing, is of course... King of Tokyo.
(an: dont ask me, they canonically dressed up to play god damn King of Tokyo)

Around them, other customers enjoyed array of board and card games, their enthusiastic discussions and laughs creating a cozy buzz. Employees navigated the space seamlessly, delivering food and refreshments.
(an: gonna try making a funny scene but be warned i havent touched this game yet, but i have plan on putting it on if possible)

Michinaga's The King (an: Kong) has been staying in Tokyo for quite a few turns already.
"Oh my god give me something. Roll." Michinaga ordered, tossing his die onto the table before him, it was his final reroll.
[1] [♥️] [♥️] [⚡] [⚡] [2]
"WHAT" Michinaga roared.
Ace leaned back in his seat, clapping his hands and laughing, clearly enjoying his opponent's frustration. "Oi, when you were outside of Tokyo, you rolled anything BUT hearts and now you went inside of a city filled with hearts. This is hilarious!"
"This is absolutely rigged, uh... National Guard, Hit myself for 2 and gain 2 victory points. There, your turn, Geats!"

"Ok, roll" Ace tossed his die
[2] [2] [♥️] [3] [🐾] [🐾]
"Oh for god's sake." Michinaga groaned looking at the amount of claws symbols.
"Oh no I'm not happy with the amount of damage, I'll reroll these..."
[2] [2] [2] [🐾] [🐾] [🐾]
"OOOOH. Buffa, your oversized monkey is getting a triple slap!" Ace laughed.

Michinaga frowned at the dice but accepted his fate. "Very well, Geats, I leave! Now go to Tokyo and I'll beat you up next turn." He moved his monkey back.
Rolling again, Michinaga found better luck this time. "3 Points!"
Ace grinned back as he rolled, coming up with three hearts, a claw, and two 1s "Well ok this is not good but I'll still slap you, and I hit for two because Spiked Tail."
Their lighthearted trash talking and gameplay continued amicably despite their rivalry.

Meanwhile, the sun shone brightly as Keiwa and Neon walked down yet another bustling city street, peering inquisitively into every nook and cranny. But so far there was no sign of the one they sought, Ayoko.
They wanted to make sure Ayoko was fine after memory-wiped and leaving the DDGP. The pair had been searching high and low for any signs of Ayoko since her retirement from the DDGP, but so far had come up empty handed.

They visited local hospitals in case she had been injured and lost her memory, but no one matching her description had been admitted. Stopping civilians in the streets yielded similar results - nobody recognized her.
Checking records and surveillance footage from the past few days turned up nothing useful. It was as if Ayoko had simply vanished upon leaving the game.
Widening their search, they visited local shelters and community centers on the off chance Ayoko had sought refuge. But each disappointed look told them she was not there.

By afternoon their leads had dried up completely. Exhausted, they took a rest in the park, watching birds play in the foliage.
Frustrated, Neon asked. "Where could she be? There has to be some clue we're missing!"
Keiwa caught his breath after a long day. "It's like finding a needle in a haystack out here," He sighed, wiping beads of sweat from his brow. "How will we ever track Ayoko down with so many people?"
"Look, we should probably call it a day for now,"  suggested. "Let's continue our search some other time.
"...Yeah you're right. Let's rest up." Keiwa nodded tiredly.
The two parted ways.

Neon began the walk back to her "home", if she still has any, lost in troubled thoughts. As she passed by a bakery, a familiar face waved eagerly from within.
"Neon-chan! Fancy meeting you here," Sara greeted brightly. Despite everything weighing on Neon's mind, Sara's smile was infectious as always.
"Hey Sara, getting a sweet craving?" Neon replied with a smile of her own, peering in at the heavenly display. Fresh breads, pastries and chocolates beckoned enticingly.

"Maaaybe," Sara giggled. "Want to join me? My treat today."
Neon couldn't refuse such kindness. Soon they sat across from each other, idly chatting over snacks like how friends do. Sara spoke animatedly of her brother and little joys, distracting Neon from her worries if only for a while.
"...yeah, my lil bro has seemed down lately. Maybe a fun day out would lift his spirits too!" Sara said cheerfully between bites.
Neon nodded thoughtfully. "Your brother does work hard. A fun outing could be just what he needs."
She discreetly pulled up maps on her phone, scanning for family-friendly options within reach. "There are a few new theme parks that just opened up. One has a nice mix of rides and shows. Or there's also an amusement park famous for its festivals and events."
Sara leaned in, eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh, they both sound wonderful! Which do you think would be more fun?"

Neon considered a moment. "Hmm, well the first park has more to do but the second always seems to have something special happening. Why don't we check their schedules and see what kind of activities they've got planned for the day? That could help sway the decision."
The two scrolled through event listings and reviews, debating the merits of each park. Neon enjoyed helping plan an outing to lift someone's spirits, and the time with Sara passed pleasantly.

The next morning, Sara cheerfully gathered her brother. "Come on sleepyhead, rise and shine!"

He grumbled unintelligibly into his pillow. Sara yanked the blankets away. "Wake up! We're going on an adventure today."
That caught his interest. "An adventure? What for?" He rubbed the sleep from his eyes curiously.
Sara beamed. "You looked down lately... So theme park we go!!"
Confusion was written all over Sakurai's face. "I'm fine sis, it's just recently-"
She forcefully pulled him out of the bed. "Just wake up and get dressed! Our train leaves soon."

No more objections sprang from him. Soon they were aboard the train, chattering excitedly about the rides they hoped to try first. Sara smiled seeing the gloom lift from her brother. Today would be all about making memories together.
The park gates loomed ahead as they disembarked. Gripping his hand tight, Sara said "Ready for some fun?" He grinned back at her. "You bet!"

Their first stop was a dizzying spinning teacup ride. As the cups whirled faster, Sara and Sakurai laughed hysterically, clutching each other to stay upright.
"This is crazy! I feel like I'm going to hurl," he giggled.
"If you hurl, aim away from me!" Sara shrieked, shoving Sakurai playfully.

By the rollercoasters, he eagerly joined the lengthy queue. "We HAVE to ride the big one sis, I heard it goes over a loop!"
Sara grimaced. "Ugh, my stomach's not ready for loops yet..."
"Please?! I'll buy you an extra large cotton candy after," Sakurai begged.
She caved with a dramatic sigh. "Oh alright, but you owe me, mister!"

After screaming their lungs out on the terrifying yet thrilling coaster, Sara cashed in her cotton candy payment. They enjoyed the sweet treat together, her brother distracted for the moment.
As the afternoon wore on, the duo played silly carnival games and sampled bizarre but tasty theme park snacks. By an outdoor stage, they watched awe-inspiring acrobats perform dazzling feats to audience cheers.
In the petting zoo, Sara cooed over adorable baby animals while her brother laughed at the antics of rambunctious goats. He fed a cute pony some carrots, its soft lips tickling his palm.
As dusk fell, colorful lights twinkled to life across the park. They strolled leisurely taking in the magical atmosphere, all cares from home momentarily lifted from young shoulders.

Sakurai smiled warmly at Sara. "Thank you for bringing me here. This was the most fun I've had in ages."
She returned his smile, giving his hand an affectionate squeeze. "Anytime, Keiwa. I'm glad I could help chase your gloomies away."

(an: the first thing i do with a time machine is choke myself to death for choosing Koatycoon's name as it is now)

As the both of them walked along the colorful theme park pathway, a certain figure was tailing them. None other than Kekera.
"Look at you so happy, Sakurai Keiwa. This is NOT how a Kamen Rider should be acting," Kekera muttered quietly to himself.
"Have your last day of fun. You'll miss it." With that, he left.

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