New World III: Raid Game (P2)

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"Another game is coming, this one is called Raid Game. The rules are a little complex, so listen carefully: in the game, you all will grouped into teams, randomly, and then, each team will get a Raid, also chosen randomly. There are 3 Raids, in 3 difficulities: the hardest one is a castle raid, easier is a big city raid, the easiest one is a village raid" the GM explained.

"So everything is luck?" Jin asked.

"Yes, but let me finish, each raid has rounds, you all will get breaks between rounds, the sooner you finish, the more time you get to rest. The harder the Raid, the more points you will gain after finishing, points can be used to purchase Buckles, you can buy Buckles like Magnum, Boost, Beat, Jet & Cannon, and more. But this is the most important part: If all members of 2 teams consent, you can switch the Raids. Any questions?" The GM continued.

Everyone nodded.

"Good, so we will randomize the teams." The GM said.

Keiwa and Jin held their breath, praying for a good teammate. Himeno never really trusted teammates so she doesn't care alot.


1. Hard Raid: Ukiyo Ace/ Kamen Rider Geats

2. Medium Raid: Himeno Ameno / Kamen Rider Pollen, Keiwa Sasaki / Kamen Rider Koatycoon

3. Easy Raid: Ayoko Kurama / Kamen Rider Tora-Go, Jin Takeyama / Kamen Rider Tusk


"Heh, going to a hard raid solo, tough luck, deadweight" Himeno taunted Ace.

"Open your eyes wide, missy" Ace replied with a smirk.

Ayoko approached Ace, "Hey, um... if you want to, we can switch raids..."

"Hey! No! Nope! I disagree! Our lives are on the line here, Ayoko, this isn't time to do charity" Jin protested.

"Don't worry, I will be top 1" Ace said as he waved his hand to brush off Ayoko's concerns.

"You sure? I mean she will probably be fine cus Fantasy is the strongest Buckle, and she has a teammate, you, on the other hand..." Keiwa stated.

"Don't make assumptions, especially about me. I am a fox" Ace replied.

(AN: haha i am a fox dropping bois)

Ace looked at the big castle. It was big, lots of Jyamatos, and lots and lots of ways to die.
[Desire Driver!] [Entry.]
"Let's have some fun"
[Set!] [Set!]
Ace snapped his fingers.
[Get ready for Boost and Magnum!]
[Magnum Shooter 40X!]
Geats launched into the fray, his fiery kicks and punches causing countless Jyamatos to explode
He made his way into the castle as more and more Jyamatos of multiple kinds appeared, but they can feel is Geats' bullets hitting their monster faces.
Rounding a corner, he suddenly stopped.
"Well this is new" Ace mused.
He aimed and shot at a spot above of the door.
Turns out, there are- were bats waiting for him. Not that they're alive anymore. Geats' bullets cut through the air and blasted them into ribbons.
He dashed into a corridor, spining his gun and unloading a barrage of bullets into the advancing horde.
"This castle is really big, I assume that the Jyamato Riders, the targets are at the top", he said as he advanced towards the upper floor.
"Not that I have time"
[Set, Creation!]
[Deploy Powered System! Gigant Blaster!]
[Ready? Fight!]
Geats activated the Gigant Blaster's powers and shot the roof until he reaches the top.
Then he changes once more.
[Ready? Fight!]
[Raising Sword!]
With the raising sword, he charged towards the Jyamato Riders.
The Jyamatos charged fearlessly to meet his challenge. Geats parried their initial blows, using the momentum to spin around and slash two of them away. Sparks flew as metal clashed against metal.
The third rider swung its arm, which he ducked under before delivering a swift kick to its midsection.
As it stumbled back, Ace followed up with a series of rapid sword slashes.
[Full Charge!]
[Twin Set!]
[Take Off Complete! Jet & Cannon!]
[Ready? Fight!]
"I will take care of the Castle, because why not"
[Command Twin Victory!]
He flew up using his jetpacks, and absolutely demolished the castle with his cannons. The once big castle was turned into debris.
Only the Jyamato Riders remain, and Geats has the perfect toy to deal with them.
[Boost Mk-II!]
[Ready! Fight!]
His movements turned into a blur as he pummeled the Jyamato Riders with his boosted power. His punches and kicks were devastating, and left the Jyamato Riders with no choice.
"And to finish this off,"
[Laser Raise Riser!]
[Revolve On!] [Set up!]
[Hyperlink! LaserBoost!]
[Finish Mode!]
"Good game."
[LaserBoost Victory!]
Geats created copies of himself, each delivering a devastating Rider Kick to each of the Jyamato Riders. They exploded, leaving nothing behind as if they were never there.

DGP Rules: People don't need to be in a DGP to use a Desire Driver

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