Chapter 1

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After a long break from school, which I spend most of it aboard in another country which was Australia, wanting to learn more about the fire inside me, I knew a lot had happened while I was away, and I know me not being in Beacon Hills drove Stiles crazy. The whole time that we were on break he was being dragged around by Scott since he was now a single pringle after Allison broke up with him after Gerard tried to kill us all. Even when Stiles and I would skype it would somehow end up with Scott dragging Stiles away from the laptop. Also the entire break Allison was with her father in France wanting to get away from the crazy life of Beacon Hills which of course she needed, she needed to clear her mind.

Walking off the plane in my beautiful blue and cream patterned skirt that stop just above my knees, my black crop top covered by my lace black knitted kimono, I held onto my small black carry on suitcase and walked off the stairs of the plane and through the halls of the massive airport I finally reach the baggage claim and wait around watching the many different types of bags roll by until my black suitcase saying in white print 'Beautiful Mind' rolls my way I quickly grab the suitcase and place it on its wheels rolling the suitcase through to the waiting area for where families or friends meet the passengers.

I walk around until I'm able to see my tall Latino best friend wearing his usual clothes his arms folded as he turned his head looking in my direction and he smiles and turns his body fully while I run dragging my suitcase behind me and crash into him hard causing the both of us to laugh.

"It's good to see you Ridgeway, we only waited weeks for you to return, any longer I think Stiles would of gotten on a plane and flown to Australia himself, he was getting restless" Scott says smirking and I roll my eyes.

"Does he know I landed back here yet?" I ask and Scott shakes his head.

Good the surprise will work now.

"He still thinks you don't come back for another two days, you're lucky he even let me use his jeep to pick you up, since my mom took our family car and I wasn't allowed to bring my bike here" Scott says to me taking my suitcase out of my hand and we walk towards the airport carpark.

Slowly arriving to the blue jeep I love we place both my normal suitcase and carry on suitcase into the boot and we hop inside the jeep. Scott reverses the jeep out of the park and we leave to head to the Stilinski house hold. Playing with my straight hair that was slightly shorter now you couldn't really notice, I had so many questions I needed to ask.

"Have you spoken to Allison?" I ask Scott softly and he slowly shakes his head, his eyes becoming sad and he stares out onto the road.

"No I haven't, not since she left for France. Not an email, text message, call, nothing I haven't spoken to her, it's what we agreed on" Scott tells me and I nod understanding how hard that must have been for him to deal with. He still loves Allison.

"I think you should reward yourself" I tell him and he raises his eyebrow.

"In what way?" Scott asks me and I shrug.

"Well what is something you have wanted to get done?" I ask already knowing what the answer was.

"A tattoo?" He tells me with a questioning tone and I nod my head.

"Then get a bloody tattoo, Jesus" I say fake groaning at the end and Scott chuckles as we pull up into the street of Stiles' house and I feel my stomach flip from excitement and nerves.

"Why are you so nervous Clara?" Scott asks me as he parks the car and we both look out my window to see the house Stiles lives in and I pick the skin off my fingers.

"I don't know, a part of me worries he moved on, but I know he wouldn't have, well I hope he wouldn't have, I don't know I'm just worried so much has changed since I was gone" I tell Scott and he shakes his head.

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