Chapter 4

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Walking outside since the whole bruise thing with Derek, Allison and Lydia honestly went completely nowhere, Stiles, Scott and I need to rethink everything that has happened so far.

"What would a pack of alpha's want with Erica and Boyd?" Stiles asks as out loud while we scroll around the school.

"Honestly I don't think it's them they really want" I say thinking about all the possible reasons this was happening.

"Okay what like Derek? Stiles asks and Scott and I turn around to see the back of two heads, boys who were slightly taller than Scott and I and I instantly catch an odd vibe off the pair "Hey Clara, Scott" Stiles states regaining Scott and I's attention. I blink my eyes a couple times."You coming?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah coming" I say slowly looking back around to try and see the two boys again and then sigh walking past Scott and Stiles to our first class

.Walking into the classroom I smirked when I realised we had Coach again for our teacher and I take a seat as Scott sits in front and across while Stiles sits right in front of my desk. Once every student is seated at their tables Coach slams a book onto his front desk gaining everyone's attention."The stock market is based on two principals" Coach says to the class holding up two of his fingers "What are they?" Coach asks the class and straight away Scott raises his hand and I raise my eyebrow, wondering if he actually knew the answer to one of Coach's questions "Yes McCall you can go to the bathroom" Coach says and I choke on my laughter at how native Coach was being "Anybody else?"

"No Coach I know the answer" Scott tells Coach seriously causing Coach to start laughing at Scott's answer.And this wasn't a simple laugh, it was one of those 'oh my god this is the funniest thing I've ever heard laughs' and it really wasn't that funny that for once Scott actually knew the answer to the question.

Coach regains himself quickly and then sees Scott's face "Oh you're serious"

"Yeah it's risk and reward" Scott tells Coach smiling.I smirk over to Scott happy he actually knew the answer and got it correct.

"Wow, who are you and what have you done to McCall?! Don't answer that I like you better" Coach says proudly walking over to Scott and Scott smiles back proud he made his Coach and teacher happy and then Coach walks away "Does anyone have a quarter?" Coach asks the class and Stiles digs through his pocket trying to find a quarter but instead a condom flies out of his pocket and lands on the ground, to me it felt like forever until the condom actually hit the ground and Coach noticed it and it properly felt the same for Stiles. I sink into my seat as Scott looks from me to Stiles with widen eyes surprised Stiles brought the freaking condom to school. Why on earth was it still in his pocket was he planning on us doing it sooner or later.

Oh my god.

I feel my cheeks become bright red as everyone looks down to the condom and Coach leans down and picks it up and stands up handing the condom over to Stiles "Stilinski, I think you dropped this, congratulations" Coach states and then walks away from the awkward boy who sits there not daring to look behind him as I burn holes into the back of his head and everyone chuckles and someone kicks my chair and I roll my eyes and then softly place my head onto the table wishing I could crawl into a hole and die.

"In the mug, win the reward" Coach says holding up the mug that we had to get the coin into to get this reward he was offering us. Coach places the coffee mug onto the ground and then walks away and whispers "watch Coach" he mutters and then blows onto the coin, and then drops the coin to bounce it off the floor and it lands straight into the mug with ease and my eyes widen at how easy he made it look.

Everyone starts to clap as Coach cheers himself for getting it in."That's how you do it, okay Danny" Coach says and then throws Danny the coin letting Danny catch the coin easily and look up to his coach and teacher "Risk or Reward?"

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