Chapter 5

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"She's not dead" Derek shouts at us, not wanting to believe Isaac saw Erica's dead body.

"Derek, he said he saw a dead body, it's Erica" Stiles tells Derek and Derek paces around the room "It doesn't leave us must room for interpretation"

"Then who was in the volt with Boyd?" Derek shouts at Stiles and I sigh.

"That's what I don't understand, someone else who was female was with Boyd in the volt" I state looking around to the werewolves and my boyfriend standing in the room.

"Maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle, the one who saved him" Scott suggests looking back to Isaac who shakes his head.

"No, she wasn't like us and whoever is in the volt with Boyd is" Isaac states.

"Maybe that's how Erica died, they pit each other up against one another to see which one of them would die" Stiles suggests and I sigh hoping that wasn't the case "It's like werewolf thunder dome"

"Then we get them out tonight" Derek states wanting to get his beta's free of the alpha pack and I agreed with him.

But tomorrow night is going to be a full moon.

"Think reasonably Derek, you can't just rush in" I state and Deaton nods standing next to me.

"Isaac got in and so can we" Derek states crossing his arms across his chest.

"But he didn't get through a volt door did it" Deaton states looking up to Derek.

"We need a plan" Scott states.

"How are we going to come up with a plan to break into a bank volt in less than twenty four hours?" Derek asks everyone.

"Um I think someone already did" Stiles says looking through his phone and I lean over his shoulder to look at the article he was reading on his little phone "Beacon Hills National closes its doors after volt robbery, doesn't say how it was robbed but it wouldn't take long to find out" Stiles states looking away from his phone and looking at everyone in the room.

"How long?" Derek asks and Stiles smirks gently.

"It's the internet Derek" I state.

Derek raises his eyebrows at me.

"Okay minutes" Stiles states.

Heading home Scott, Stiles and I research everything about the Beacon Hills National Bank and about why it closed on our laptops, old newspapers, our phones, old books from a couple of years ago about the town since we needed more than just the internet, and we found completely nothing about how the robbery took place. We all soon fell asleep in different parts of the bedroom, Stiles and I shared his bed while Scott slept on the chair leaning back. Opening my eyes I look to see Stiles was half off the bed, his face on the ground lying on newspapers the printer kept printing during the night. Leaning onto my forearms I look around to see the bedroom was covered in food, glasses holding our drinks, newspaper articles printed off and the printer kept printing sheets off. I sigh and lean back down onto the bed resting my eyes."Boys? Clara?" I hear the bedroom door open and Mr Stilinski states trying to wake us up "Hey time to wake up" Mr Stilinski states and nothing happens with the three, well I should say two boys waking up since I was already semi awake "Boys" Mr Stilinski pauses "BOYS" Mr Stilinski shouts and we all jump at the loudness of his voice. Scott partly falls of the chair while Stiles falls fully onto the floor in shock and groans as they both sit up.

"Five more minutes" I groan grabbing a pillow and throwing it in the direction of the door.

I hear Mr Stilinski chuckle."I've got to get to work, you three get to school" Mr Stilinski states and then walks out of the bedroom and I roll over blowing the hair off my face gently.

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