Chapter 17

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"They keep us connected to humanity" Cora explains Stiles and I what the purpose of the Druids were to a werewolf pack, we couldn't understand "but they are a secret in the pack, sometimes only the alpha knows who it is, Derek and I had no idea about Deaton" Cora tells us.

"Or his sister, Morell" Peter tells us and my eyes widen.

"You mean to tell me Deaton's sister is an emissary too? Who for?" I ask them.

Peter crosses his arms on his chest "The Alpha pack" he says calmly.

"Our guidance adviser, jesus" I say groaning into my hands.

Stiles places his hand onto my knee "Why didn't any of you tell me this stuff, we shared personal details with her" Stiles states madly and I rest my hand on top of his still on my knee.

"And did she give you both good advice?" Cora asks us.

I nod.

"Yeah she did" Stiles tells her.

"That's what they do, that's what Deaton use to do for Thalia" Peter tells us.

Peter told us Thalia, Deaton and Deucalion got together to discuss confronting Gerard, which even I know Is a horrible idea, and Deaton and Thalia tried to tell Deucalion not to do it, killing was in his nature, and by nature I mean cutting people in half with a sword. That night Paige was going to meet Derek at the high school, Derek was in the boys locker room waiting for something to happen, Paige was walking around the school hallways. That's when Ennis showed up, shifted into his werewolf form, and then he chased Paige, wanting to turn her in favour of Derek.

"Ennis? Why would he choose him?" Cora asks Peter confused.

"Why not? Ennis needed a new member for his pack, Paige was young and strong, doing a favour for Derek would mean he would be in goods with Thalia, back then everyone wanted to be in good with her" Peter tells us and I sigh.

"He doesn't remember it was Ennis does he?" Stiles asks.

"If he does he keeps it to himself" Peter tells Stiles.

"So then what happened? Did Ennis turn her?" I ask Peter.

"Almost" Peter tells me.

"Almost? What do you mean almost?" I ask him confused, frowning.

"Derek came at Ennis, a fifteen year old boy, against a giant" Peter tells us "There was no reason for him to fight, she had already been bitten"

I felt tears swelling up in my eyes.

If anyone ever hurt Stiles or tried to turn him I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"So did she turn?" Cora asks her uncle.

"She should have, most of the time the bite takes, most of the time" Peter explains to the three of us, the three of us looking at him extremely interested on the story.

"When you offered it to me you said if it doesn't kill you" Stiles states and I gasp slightly already knowing the answer to the question.

"If" Peter whispered.

I gasp slightly again and grip onto Stiles more firmly.

After Paige had been bitten by Ennis, she was starting to die, so Derek took her to the Nemeton cellar and he held her in his arms, not understanding why she wasn't turning, Peter found him holding her, he was shocked Paige wasn't turning into a werewolf like them.

"He knew the answer though, didn't matter that she was young and strong, some people just aren't made for this" Peter tells us, while looking out the window "She fought, she struggled desperately, trying to survive"

While Paige grew more and more pale, Derek tried to take the pain away, only causing more and more damage to himself and to Paige, he didn't want her to die, he loved her too much to lose the girl he loved. Paige had told Derek she knew he wasn't like her, she knew things happened in Beacon Hills no one could explain, and how he would say he would catch a scent, she knew he was special. Paige knew she was going to die, and she couldn't take the pain and the waiting anymore, she begged Derek to kill her, so she wouldn't have to go through the pain anymore, so she could die in his arms.

Derek held her close to him and he said he loved her and he was sorry, and then doing what she requested and he dug his claws into her chest, ending her suffering and letting her rest in peace. He screamed in anger and sadness that the love of his life was gone.

"I remember taking her body from his arms, to the woods where I knew she would be found, another one in the long line of Beacon Hill's animal attacks" Peter tells us.

By now all of our eyes were watering, Peter was now sitting down on the steps, Cora, Stiles and I were standing up in front of Peter looking down to him.

"W-What about Derek?" I ask Peter, sniffing then wiping a tear rolling down my left cheek.

"Taking an innocent life takes something from you, a bit of your soul, darkening it, dimming the once brilliant golden yellow, to a crystal cold blue, like mine" Peter says and then looks up to us showing us his blue eyes.

After that Peter left the three of us alone, we sit on the same stairs he was and we were all still in shock.

"What?" Cora asks Stiles and I "You both have this look on your face"

"What look?" I ask her frowning.

"The kind of look that makes me want to punch you both" Cora groans.

"Oh wow you're defiantly a Hale aren't you" I say rolling my eyes.

"Whats with the look" Cora asks again.

"I just don't believe him" Stiles tells her

I sigh and start explaining "Alright in Miss Blake's class we are reading a heart of darkness and it's in first person, thing is he is a horrible narrator, the events change because of his point of view"

"So we heard the story from Peter's point of view" Cora states.

"Yeah and I don't think we got the whole story" Stiles tells her.

"So what you're just going to ask Derek about the girl he fell in love with and killed?" Cora asks my boyfriend gently.

"If I have to.... Yeah" He says seriously.

"Stiles, can we go home? Please" I whisper softly out loud, placing my head onto his shoulder.

"Mmmmhmmm" Stiles mumbles out and turns his head to kiss my temple gently and I hear Cora slightly scoff at the sight of us "Later Cora, we have to get back to our homes, plus find out how Allison and Scott went" Stiles tells Cora.

Cora nods gently then stands up "You two make a good couple, just don't let what happened to Derek and Paige happen to the two of you" Cora says looking down to us and then looks away walking off to another part of the loft.

"Come on sleepy" Stiles says standing up and he helps me stand.

"So much is running In my mind, like who is next to be taken by the Darach, when will Derek finally return, how did Allison and Scott go with Gerard, are we ever going to stop the Darach, and I have the feeling one of us in major danger, like major danger Stiles" I state to Stiles, as we walk out of the loft and towards the jeep and jump inside. Stiles turns on the jeep and we get out of the parking lot and drive towards my place.

"I wish I knew some of the answers to those questions Clara, I really do, but for now all we can do is just sit and wait, we can't approach the Darach if we don't know how to find it, plus how do you feel like someone's in danger" he asks me confused.

I frown "I don't know, I just feel it" I state.

I'm so sorry this is extremely short, I hated this episode so much omg

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