Chapter 7

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Getting ready for cross country I was talking to Allison, even though she wasn't doing the cross country course like Scott, Stiles, Isaac and I, she still wanted to make sure I was okay since I didn't take everything so well the other night with Heather being found dead. Wearing my usual NIKE training gear which was a black bra like crop top with blue dots, my black with blue trim shorts and my long sleeved light blue jacket with black sneakers, I placed my hair into a nice pony tail and my hair was straight so it looked good.


"So did Scott tell you about one of his clients that went missing?" Allison asks me and I nod.

"Yeah, he left his dog 'Bullet' behind, Scott told me the name was military based which I thought was cool, but I'm worried" I say to Allison and she frowns.

"Why?" Allison asks me.

"What if he was another virgin, do you know who else is a virgin Allison Argent? Me, I'm a virgin, and you know what that means? It means my lack of sexual activity with Stiles is now a threat to my life, I need to have sex, like today, I need Stiles to sex me right now" I ramble on in a panic and Allison chuckles at my panicked state.

"Little miss innocent wants to have sex?" Allison asks smirking.

"Shut up, if you were still like me you would be panicked too, and now Stiles is at risk" I say fake snarling at Allison.

"Plus you speaking the kid is already dead, he could just be missing" Allison tells me but I shake my head.

"Trust me, someone is going to find him" I state worried.

"Time for you to go, good luck" Allison tells me and I smirk and walk out of the girls locker/change room and walk towards the cross country track and kneel down to tie up my shoe laces tighter and I feel a presence and I look up to see the two twins Ethan and Aiden walk past me looking down to me smirking and then they move off and stand beside Isaac and I watch them look down to him. Oh this isn't going to be good at all. Coach blows the whistle and students, along with the twins, rush off to start the course and I quickly stand up, Scott right behind me as I grab onto Isaac's shoulder to stop him from running off.

"Isaac" I state in a warning tone.

"It's them!" Isaac states in a growl and then roughly pushes my hand off his shoulder.

"ISAAC!" Scott and I shout as we watch Isaac race off after the twins not pacing himself like Coach wanted everyone to do. Scott and I look at each other and sigh and quickly take off after Isaac and the twins, Scott being faster than the average human kept me grounded as my own powers made me faster than he was, pushing past all the students including Stiles who gives me a strange look and I mouth to him 'alphas' and then I keep running off. Finally catching up to the twins and Isaac, Scott and I find the twins holding Isaac up and his neck back.

"Ethan, I always forget, how many bones in the human body?" The twin Aiden asks his twin brother Ethan as they smirk at the beta.

"I don't know, let's count" Ethan says and I quickly jump up and kick him straight in the face smirking at him.

"That's one" I say and then wink down to the fallen twin.

"You stupid bitch" Ethan snarls at me and then fixes his jaw "You broke my jaw"

"Sad isn't to be beaten up by a girl" I say smirking twirling my pony tail hair.

Ethan snarls at me extends his claws and his eyes glowing red.

Aiden does the exact same as his brother.

Isaac and Scott's eyes glow and they growl nastily at the twins while I screech at them and my eyes turn purple until we hear a loud scream of terror and we all look in the direction of the scream. Running to where there was a large amount of students I run into Stiles and I look to see a dead body tied, well should say choked against the tree, having the same injuries as the three people that have already been killed.

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