Chapter 20

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Driving to Derek's as quickly as we could, we had to warn him about his crazy girlfriend, who isn't an innocent school teacher, nope, she is the mother trucking Darach, the thing that has been killing everyone, tried to kill Lydia and I, stole Stiles' father, the crazy bitch needs her heart ripped out. Sensing she would soon be here to try and clear her name with Derek, Stiles, Scott and I hid behind a wall, as the door flies open and I hear the clicking of high heels hit the wooden stairs. Stiles wraps his arms around my waist tightly, her presence made him nervous. I felt anger boil up inside me from what she had caused all of us these past few days.

"Derek? Derek where are you?" Jennifer calls out looking for Derek.

"Right here" Derek calls out coming out of the shadows to look at her.

"Thank god" Jennifer says running up and hugging Derek "Something happened at the recital, at the school, okay I need to tell you before you hear it from any of them" Jennifer tells Derek, trying to act all sad and afraid.

I growl quietly and Stiles covers my mouth gently with his hand and Scott grabs onto my left forearm.

"From who?" Derek asks acting confused.

"Scott, Stiles, mostly Clara, they are going to tell you things, things you can't believe you have to trust me, okay trust me" Jennifer says and I roll my eyes.

"What is it?" Derek asks her.

"Promise you'll listen to me" Jennifer begs Derek.

"Promise" Derek says softly and I watch as Jennifer places her lips onto his and I feel myself loosing whatever control I had over my emotions, this bitch is dead.

"They're already here aren't they" Jennifer asks Derek and we all slowly walk out together, the three of us all glaring at her, I was the most pissed off.

"So, they told you It was me?" Jennifer asks Derek.

"Not only that you're taking people, you're killing innocent people" I sneer at my English teacher, Stiles holds onto me tighter.

"Oh that's right" Jennifer says smiling, laughing slightly "Committing human sacrifices and slashing their throats? Yeah properly do it in my lunch hour so I can come back to school to teach English the rest of the day" Jennifer says trying to cover her tracks "That makes perfect sense"

"Where's my dad" Stiles states in a hushed and broken voice, my heart breaks inside.

"How should I know?" Jennifer says and then looks to Derek "Derek you don't honestly believe this do you?"

Derek looks to us and we all just look at him, he knew we weren't lying, he looks back to Jennifer "Do you know what happened to Stiles' father?" He asks her.

"No" She says shaking her head.

"Why don't you ask her why she tried to kill Lydia, along with torturing Clara" Scott states.

"Lydia Martin? I don't know anything about that" Jennifer says and I growl loudly.

"Stop it Clara" Stiles whispers in my ear.

"She is going to get her face ripped off the way she is going" I harshly whisper back to him.

"Then what do you know?" Derek asks annoyed with the situation.

"I know, these kids for whatever misguided reason are filling your head with an absurd story" Jennifer says to Derek then looks back to the three of us "One they can't prove by the way" Jennifer says and I smirk shaking my head.

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