Chapter 9

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Sitting in the back of the old shaky bus to head to some dumb cross country thingy, I was sitting in between Scott and Stiles, wearing dark skinny jeans, dark red toms, a red flannel shirt Stiles had given me and my black leather jacket, my hair was in messy curls and my body was, let's just say sore and pale.

I was still healing.


"Yo Scotty" Stiles says trying to catch Scott's attention while he looked down to his IPad "You will with me?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah what was the word?" Scott asks Stiles coming back into reality.

"Incongruous" Stiles states looking at the word meaning on his IPad.

"Um could you use it In a sentence?" Scott asks unable to focus.

All this studying for the PSAT's is killing me slowly; I'm so done with studying.

"Absolutely, its completely incongruous that we are sitting on a bus right now going to a stupid cross country meet after what just happened, incongruous" Stiles states and I nod.

"Out of this place, ridiculous, absurd" Scott says as if the word now seemed easy.

"Okay perfect, what's the next word Stiles" I say to my boyfriend.

"Darach, it's a noun" Scott and I both softly glare at him and he looks up to us annoyed with our faces "We have to talk about it sometime, and we are going to be stuck in this thing for five hours so why not?" Stiles states looking forward to the front of the bus.

Scott sighed and rested his head onto the bus window, I looked over to Scott knowing he was still coming to terms with everything, plus I knew he was still in a lot of pain, along with myself, I wasn't far behind him when it came to the pain.

"You alright Scott?" I ask him.

Without having a chance to respond the bus driver goes over a large pothole and the bus jumps causing Scott and myself to bounce around and groan in pain. Stiles looks at both of us worried and then holds onto my hand.

"You okay there buddy? Clara babe?" Stiles asks us but the only response we can give is a small whine.

"We shouldn't of come, I knew it we shouldn't of come" Stiles states and I roll my eyes.

"We had to, there is safety in numbers Stiles" I say to my boyfriend and he frowns at my comment.

"Yeah and there is also death in numbers it's called a massacre" Stiles states and I groan at his immature annoyance "Or bloodbath, slaughter, butchery"

Scott groans.

"Alright Scott I'm telling Coach to-"Stiles starts to say but Scott shakes his head.

"No no no, I'm alright" Scott tells his best friend.

"Well you don't look alright" I say to him.

"Just let me see it" Stiles states and Scott covers his wound.

"I'm okay" Scott states.

"Just let us see it" I state.

Scott turns his body and shows us the wound, it hadn't healed like at all, least I was healing, Scott was not, it actually looked like it was getting worst.

"Oh dude" Stiles says grossed out by the wound.

"I know it looks bad, but it's because it's from an alpha, it will take longer to heal" Scott tells me and I shake my head.

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