Chapter 23

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Hey everyone, first I want to say sorry for not updating any of my projects in the past three months, my life has been a little crazy. I was forced to move away from my old home to another state of Australia (Queensland) and I have been very unhappy since I left my old home. Luckily I have the money to fly down every month to see all my friends and try and make things work with the boy I like a lot, and I have a job up here but its just not the same. Hopefully with my days off as I have no social life up here I can try and update my stories more often. Thank you to everyone who had faith In me to update, I love you all xx

Running and slamming open the door to Morell's office, I turn to see Heathers friend sitting waiting for her, and the other two suddenly notice her.

"Are you here for Ms Morell?" Stiles asks her.

"No I thought this was gym class" The girl says sassily and Lydia bites her lip not wanting to snap.

"Sweetheart we're not in the mood for funny" Lydia says to the girl and the girl cocks her eyebrow at us "Do you know where she is?"

The girl waves her arms in annoyance "If I knew I wouldn't be sitting here for twenty minutes so how about you three back out the door and wait your turn" She says rather rudely and my eyes narrow at her.

"We are not here for a session" I state.

"Well I am, I have some serious issues to work on" She says to me seriously and I cock my eyebrow.

This bitch better shut her trap.

"Wait, wait, you're Danielle, you're Heather's best friend" Stiles says and my eyes widen, instantly feeling guilty, I didn't even realise it was her, we met at Heather's party, the night she was taken.

"I was Heather's best friend, we have been working on that issue three times a week" Danielle says pointing to the empty desk and sighing.

"Hold on, you said she was twenty minutes late?" Lydia asks confused.

Danielle nods "And I don't know why either she is always on time" Danielle tells us, causing Stiles, Lydia and I to all look at each other, worried something bigger was happening.

"I use to see her after my mother died, Stiles she was never late" I tell him seriously.

"Then she's not late she is missing" Stiles states and Lydia looks to me with worry.

"What if we aren't the only ones who thinks she knows something" Lydia states to me and my eyes widen.

"Well I want to know what she knows" Stiles states and runs behind the desk opening one of the draws that holds all the folders of the students she keeps notes of.

"What are you doing" Danielle states shocked.

"Trying to find her" Stiles states flicking through the folders quickly.

"Those files are private" Danielle exclaims.

"Yeah she is kinda right" Lydia says to Stiles and he rips out a file, saying Lydia Martin on the front, then pulls out another one saying Clara Ridgeway, my file.

"Here's yours" Stiles says to us and we quickly pick them up.

"Let me see that" Lydia says snapping open the filed folder. Both of us start flicking through, the notes for me were mostly about my mother, how I was coping, my father pretty much disappearing from the picture to work with the FBI and me telling her about a dream, with my mother resting on a cut tree, snow covered it and her wings were extended, and how it made no sense to me what so ever. I glance over to see a drawing, one of Lydia's drawings, a tree, a dead tree with no leaves.

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