Chapter 14

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Stiles and I rush to the hospital after Scott tells us two doctors have gone missing, which meant the Darach took them. Jumping out of the blue jeep in my hot pink skirt with long sleeve white shirt with white flats, my hair was in a messy bun, we stand beside Scott as he and his mother talk to Sheriff Stilinski about what happened an hour or so ago.

"Two are missing" I state.

"Hey hang on, they were both in the car?" Sheriff Stilinski asks confused.

"No what they are trying to tell you is that it was two different kidnappings, okay, two doctors both gone" Stiles tells his father, Mr Stilinski sighs and looks to Melissa.

"Who's car is this?" he asks.

"Doctor Hilyard the on call doctor, The E.R attendant is the one who never made it in" Melissa explains to Mr Stilinski and he turns fully to look at her.

"Let me focus on getting your story first" He tells her "Boys, and girl give us a second?"

We all nod and move away, the three of us trying to figure out what on earth was happening in this town. Scott looks up to Stiles and I who just look back at him worried "These are all sacrifices aren't they?" I ask them.

"Yeah it's one Deaton mentioned Healers" Stiles states.

"What about Danny he threw up Mistletoe" Scott tells Stiles and I and my eyes widen "And if he hadn't been with Ethan he properly would of died, Danny is not a healer" Scott says.

Stiles then looks up to his father, who was on the phone and points to him looking at Scott "Hey can you hear that?" Stiles asks Scott.

Scott turns around to listen what was being said over the phone and then looks back to us "They found a body" Scott tells us.

Waking up the next day I throw on the clothes I wore last night, since I was only in them for an hour and do my hair in nice loose curls and grab my back pack and open my bedroom door to find Isaac standing outside waiting for me. I smile and we walk down the stairs and we walk to school, since school was only a few blocks away. As soon as we enter the school grounds Isaac and I head to our first class which was Art, we enter the Art room and as usual the teacher didn't show up.

"I've gotta go" Isaac mumbles packing up all of his school equipment and tapping away on his phone.

"What, where are you going, you can't ditch school Isaac" I state looking up at him confused from my seat.

"I've gotta find Boyd, do you know what class he would be in?" Isaac asks me standing up throwing his bag over his shoulder. His eyes looked almost in a panic; his heart rate was also quick.

What is happening?

"Um, he might be in Gym, but I'm not too sure" I say to him packing up my things "Isaac what's happening?!" I state and Isaac shakes his head.

"It's nothing, go find Stiles and Scott, I will see you later okay?" Isaac tells me and I nod, letting Isaac rush out of the Art room causing the door to slam close once he leaves.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and it's an incoming call from Stiles, I frown, pressing answer and placing my phone up to my ear "Stiles? Everything okay?"

I hear Stiles sigh on the other side of the phone line "No, everything is not alright Clara, Deaton just called Scott, he is going to be taken" Stiles tells me and my eyes widen.

Pushing up my art glasses and raising my hand to my mouth and whispered "By the Darach" I state quietly.

Rushing out of the art room to find Stiles, I knew Scott would have left school to go to the animal clinic, by the time I found Stiles he just got off the phone and it was his father he was talking to. Running to get into Stiles' jeep, we drive quickly to the animal clinic to give Scott support, since we know he is most likely feeling awful about what is happening to his boss, plus if the Darach took him it makes it ten times as worst. Leaning against Stiles who was against the wall, his arms around my body while Scott sat on a beach, Sherriff Stilinski walks over to us and places his hand onto Scott's shoulder looking at him with sad eyes.

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