Chapter 10

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After Coach shouted at Stiles for trying to get a rest spot on the side of the road which Coach wasn't allowed, I was slowly losing my sanity by being stuck on a small cramped bus with other students and I knew Scott was in pain.

"Have you called Deaton by any chance?" I ask Scott and he shakes his head.

Scott whines and then looks back out the window "I just get his voice mail"

Stiles sits up and feels around in his pocket, sighing in annoyance once he finds his phone "That's it I'm calling Lydia and Allison" Stiles says unlocking the phone and looking through his contacts while Scott frowns confused, unaware they have been following us in Allison's car from Beacon Hills.

"How are they going to help they are back in Beacon Hills" Scott says and I chuckle dryly shaking my head.

"No they're not they have been following the bus for hours, pathetic but loyal" I say looking at Scott smiling and then Stiles hits Lydia's contact number and it rings and I sigh knowing this will be interesting.

"Hey Stiles, yeah we are just about to walk into a movie, uh you know the popcorn" Lydia says awkwardly over the phone as Stiles places the phone between both of our ears.

"We know you guys are right behind us put us on speaker" Stiles says annoyed with the two girls.

"Oh um okay" Lydia says awkwardly and we hear the speaker button turn on.

"Mkay look girls Scott is still hurt" I say to the two girls on the other side of the line seriously.

There is a silent pause on the other side "Still hurt what do you mean he's not healing?" Allison asks confused and concern laced into her voice.

"I actually think he is getting worse, the blood is now turning a horrible black colour and he is pale" I say to the girls and Stiles nods at what I said.

"Well what is wrong with him?" Lydia asks.

Stiles rolls his eyes next to me.

"What is wrong with him, do I have a PHD in lycanthropy, how am I supposed to know that" Stiles says to the girls with his usual level of sarcasm and I could mentally hear the two girls roll their eyes at Stiles.

"We need to get him off the bus" Allison tells us.

"And where will we take him? To the hospital?" Lydia asks everyone openly.

"If he's dying yeah, Stiles, Clara, there is a rest area about a mile up tell the Coach to pull over" Allison tells us and I groan and Stiles grips his hair knowing that isn't going to be easy.

"I-I've been trying" Stiles says seriously and then looks to me.

"Well reason with him" Allison says with a panicked tone.

"Reason! Have you met this guy!" Stiles says loudly to begin with and I gesture for him to slower his voice and he does looking down the bus to Coach standing looking and talking to other students.

"Just try something, Clara make him" Allison says and then hangs up the phone and I sigh.

"Go on babe, work your magic" I say smirking and Stiles rolls his eyes at me and then walks up towards Coach ready to try and get him to get the bus to pull over so we can do something to save Scott's life.

"Coach it's five minutes for a bathroom break we've been on this thing for like three hours" Stiles starts to say.


"It's sixty miles to the next rest stop after-"


"Being cooped up for hours is not good-"

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