Chapter 11

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It soon became night, and the cross country meet had been cancelled until tomorrow, and now we had nowhere to stay, so the poor bus driver had to try and find a small motel for us, and there was like almost thirty students we needed to get rooms for. Finally the bus driver stops a old styled and cringe worthy motel named 'Glen Capri' and I shudder not liking it at all. We all slowly get off the bus looking around at the dump we now had to stay in unfortunately.

"I've seen worst" Scott says and I frown.

"Where have you seen worst?" Stiles asks him seriously.

Coach blows his whistle getting everyone's attention "Listen up, the meet has been pushed to tomorrow, this is the closest motel with the most spots and the least amount of judgement when it comes to accepting degenerates teenagers like yourselves, you will be pairing up choose wisely, and I will have no sexual activities so keep you dirty little hands to your dirty little selves" Coach says as every pair grabs a key and Stiles takes a key off the Coach and grabs me before Lydia can.

"No way, she is staying with myself and Scott, sorry ladies" Stiles says pushing me away from the two girls who both sigh behind us.

"Stiles, I don't like this place" I say to him gently, feeling something dark.

"I don't think the people who own this place like this place Clara" Scott says chuckling.

"Come on babe it's just for one night" Stiles says to me and I shake my head.

"A lot can happen in one night Stiles" I say to him seriously and I follow the two boys to our room. Walking into our room it had two queen size beds and a small bathroom, it was an awful yellow colour, I hated the colour yellow it was disgusting. Tossing our bags onto the floor Scott falls onto one bed while Stiles and I fall onto the other softly.

"Alright so I have four" Stiles states to Scott seriously.

The four things he was talking about was who could be killing all these people, who was the Darach.

"Four you have four suspects?" Scott asks Stiles curiously.

"Yeah, originally ten, nine technically I had Derek on their twice" Stiles says and I chuckle at the fact he still dislikes Derek so much, I was always going to find it funny. Stiles gives me a small glare and then looks back up to the ceiling.

"So who's number one? Harris?" I ask my boyfriend and he nods.

"Just because he is missing doesn't mean he is dead" Stiles tells me and I sigh.

"So if he is not dead our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices?" I say out loud, it actually sounded as if we needed to be in Eichen House, it sounded that crazy.

"Yeah I guess that sounded way better in my head" Stiles states.

"Well what if it's somebody else from school, like remember Matt we didn't know he was killing people" Scott says and my eyes widen, ready for Stiles to start his ramble on how he knew Matt was evil, and he will never let us live it down for not believing him to begin with.

I look over to Stiles who eyes widen at what Scott said and he sits up looking at his best friend annoyed with him "Excuse me? What? Yes we did I called that from day one, actually" Stiles says seriously and I groan loudly.

"But we never seriously thought it was Matt" Scott says.

"Scott shut up" I say annoyed.

"I was serious, I was quite serious actually deadly serious and no body listened to me" Stiles says and I sit up looking up at him, resting on my elbows.

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