Chapter 3

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Walking down the cold street, the blaring music only a few houses down, Stiles and I had decided to drag our single friend to another high school's party that one of our old long-time friends invited us too. Scott deserves to meet some other girls and finally be a bit happy. My black leather jeans kept my legs warm while I wore my grey shirt that said "Shut Up & Kiss Me" with a black leather jacket and black high heel shoes made me look good enough for the party but I was still going to be comfy. My hair was curly but natural curly as well so it suited the look.


"What?" Stiles asks Scott while we walk down the street towards the house.

"What do you mean what?" Scott asks Stiles confused looking back to his friend, his hands in his pockets.

"What, you know what I mean what" I state to Scott and Scott smirks.

"What what?" Scott asks.

I roll my eyes.

"That look you were giving" Stiles states and wipes his mouth.

"What look?" Scott asks confused.

"There is a look that this is the last thing you want to be doing right now look" I state crossing my arms.

"It's not that Clara, it just seems weird going to a different high school's party" Scott says shrugging his shoulders and I sigh agreeing with him a bit.

"Oh my god one drink alright you will be fine, I went to nursery school with this girl and she use to be Clara's neighbour, she promise to introduce us to all of her friends" Stiles states flipping out at how Scott was being so awkward about the whole thing.

"Which means tonight Scott, no Allison, tonight you are moving on" I tell Scott as we keep walking and he looks down to his phone.

"You're right, both of you" Scott says smiling and then putting his phone into his pocket and then looking at us.

"That's right I'm right" I say smirking.

"Moving on" Scott says proudly.

"Onward and upward" Stiles says pointing to the sky.

"Let's do this boys" I say smiling.

"Okay" Scott and Stiles say and the three of us do our usual friendship handshake smack thingy and then start walking towards the door.

"How's my breath smell?" Scott asks me.

"Ew" I groan looking at him.

"I'm not smelling your breath" Stiles tells Scott.

"Well do you have any gum, either of you?" Scott asks as we walk closer and closer to the door.

"No gum Scotty, dude you're fine" I say walking in front of the boys.

"Can you at least tell me what kind of party this is?" Scott asks us and I roll my eyes as I open Heather's front door of her house smiling and I look up to see the short blonde smiling holding a blue cup full of drink and she struts over to us.

"Clara! Stiles! Hi guys!" Heather shouts out smiling and walks over to us.

"Hey Heather! There's the birthday gir-" I shout out until I'm cut off by Heather placing her lips onto mine and leaving me stunned as she pulls away.

"I'm so glad that you made it Clara, you too Stiles" Heather says sweetly and then takes my hand causing me to look back to Stiles in widen eyes.

"Heather you know her and I are dating right?" Stiles asks Heather and she nods her head smiling.

Foreign Land ➵ Stilinski {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now