Chapter 8

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After the whole locked in the school kitchen freezer, Stiles wouldn't leave my side and refuse to let me go with Scott since he was going to kill the twins for hurting one of his pack members being me and almost killing me, who would be next was the thing I was worried about. Following Stiles towards the dead student's locker, it was covered in things people placed on his locker to remember him by. I sigh knowing how much this senior's death would be affecting his class mates. Next to me Boyd placed something onto the locker and I turn around surprised to see the older boy back in school and Stiles turns around to look at him as well.

"Oh, hey Boyd, I didn't know you were back at school" Stiles states looking to Boyd surprised.

"Yeah I would of told you but we're not actually friends?" Boyd says in a questioning tone frowning in confusion at Stiles and I chuckle.

"Burn" I mutter to Stiles and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Oh yeah, so did you know Kyle?" Stiles asks Boyd and he nods.

"Yeah, we were in junior RTC together" Boyd states.

"So you guys were friends then?" I ask Boyd curious.

"I only had one friend, and she's dead too" Boyd says sadly and my heart sinks for the memory of Erica and then we watch Boyd watch away from us and Stiles grunts from the awkwardness.

"I'm going to find Scott, cya soon okay?" I ask and I go to walk off but Stiles grabs onto my bag pulling me back.

"I rather you stay with me in all honesty" Stiles states and I shake my head.

"I will be okay, catch you soon" I say smiling to my boyfriend and then walking away and I turn around to see him watching my every move as I turn to my right down the next hallway.

Knowing Isaac and Allison had detention, and Allison had secretly messaged me saying her and Isaac had to restock the stock closet I was heading down to it to keep a distance and keep watch of them until I saw the two twins close the door and I quickly hide behind the lockers and peek my head around. I watch them place one of the school's drink machines up against it so the door wouldn't open even if it was unlocked and they smirk and walk away. I hear the door handle jiggle trying to get the door open and I could smell the anxiety pouring out of the room.

Isaac doesn't like small spaces.

And Allison is inside that small room with him.

Oh my god.

I hear Isaac punch the door screaming in anger and fear and I run down to the door trying to move the machine.

"ISAAC!!" Allison screams in fear and finally Scott arrives helping me move the machine and open the door and Scott grabs Isaac from the back of his shirt and throws him off Allison and I run to her making sure she was okay.

Isaac was on the ground half shifted, his eyes glowing gold and his teeth longer and he growls at Scott when Scott holds him down "ISAAC" Scott shouts pulling Isaac out of his trance and he cowers away onto the wall. Allison and I come out and I look at her hand, Isaac sunk his claws into her hand, a small amount of blood dripping out of the wound.

"I'm okay" Allison whispers.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that" Isaac says sadly and upset with what he had done.

"It's okay Isaac" I say to him but he shakes his head.

"I'm so sorry" Isaac says and the three of us look down to the sacred boy.

"It's not his fault" Allison tells Scott.

"I know" Scott tells her.

"I guess we now know they want to do more than just get you angry, they want one of us to get hurt" I say looking to Scott.

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