Chapter 19

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Sitting in the jeep, I made Cora rest in the back, spread out over the seat while Stiles and I of course were in the two front seats. My phone was buzzing and I held it out in front of me as it was Allison, knowing this must be important I placed the phone onto speaker so the three of us could hear.

"Philosophers?" Stiles questions Allison confused.

"And Guardians, which after last night it must have something to do with law enforcement" Allison explains to us what she thinks the pattern is "Stiles, you have to tell your dad, tell him whatever you have to but you have to get him to believe" Allison tells Stiles, causing him to look over to me with worry in his eyes.

"Stiles, you have to tell your father" I tell Stiles.

"Warn him" Allison keeps saying.

"Okay okay!" Stiles says and I end the call.

"What are you going to do?" Cora asks Stiles and I.

"I'm going to tell him the truth, and I'm going to need both of yours help" Stiles tells us seriously and I nod. Arriving to the Stilinski household Mr Stilinski was already there, with the three of us walking In, Stiles dragged his father upstairs to his bedroom, letting Cora and I to sit on the couch while his father stood up. Stiles started to pace around the room, muttering to himself how to start explaining the supernatural to his father, the three of us all watching Stiles, waiting for him to talk.

"Okay yes, um...... no" Stiles starts to say but then walks away causing me to groan loudly.

"Stiles" Mr Stilinski calls out.

"Sorry just trying to figure out how to start here" Stiles tells his father.

"Hey, I don't have this kind of time" Mr Stilinski tries to tells Stiles, but Stiles wasn't having it.

"Okay for the past year, you've had all these cases you couldn't figure out right? I mean all the murders due to Kate Argent, then Matt, all the murders of the people who drowned him, and all these murders right now, it's like you've been playing a losing game" Stiles states and I face palm myself at the way he was going.

"Stiles, the last thing I need right now if a job performance review from my own son" Mr Stilinski says growing annoyed with his son.

Stiles rubs his forehead annoyed with himself "I know but.." Stiles pauses and looks up to the chess board sitting on one of his chest of draws and pulls it down walking over to his father "That's just it, the reason your losing the game is because you've never been able to see the whole board" Stiles says placing the board down onto the table and then opens the board showing all the pieces "I need to show you the whole board" Stiles tells his father and I smile at him.

Stiles grabbed different colours of paper, writing everyone's name onto them and placed them onto one of the many pieces of the board game, resting my head into my hands, my elbows on my knees, I was leaning over watching Mr Stilinski try to understand everything Stiles was explaining.

"So Scott and Derek, are werewolves?" Mr Stilinski asks Stiles.

"Yes" Stiles says.

"And Kate Argent was a werewolf-" Mr Stilinski says.

"Hunter, she was a werewolf hunter" I say butting in "Hunters are the purple, along with Allison and Chris Argent, they are a family of hunters" I state.

"And my friend Deaton, the vet, is a Kanima" Stilinski says and I groan.

"What no, he is a druid, well we think he is" Stiles says looking over to Cora and I.

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