Chapter 6

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When all of our wounds finally heal Allison guides me to her car and we leave the Beacon Hills National Bank together while Derek and Scott go after Cora and Boyd, I was too useless to fight off the two out of control crazy werewolves, I couldn't keep up with their speed and their savage state. I sigh and rest my head onto the window and Allison looks to me in worry. "You okay Clara?" Allison asks me glancing over before looking back onto the road again.

"No I don't need a break, if I needed a break why doesn't Scott and Derek need one hmm, face it I'm as useless as anything" I state sadly sinking into my seat.

"You know that is not the case at all Clara, now stop it, be happy okay, your alive and so is everyone else" Allison tells me.

"You saved us Allison, Scott and I would of most likely died if you didn't break the seal, sorry about your mother though" I say to her and she sighs.

"I understand why he didn't tell me, but I wish I knew, I could of done something, I had to break the seal I couldn't let you guys die" Allison tells me.

Suddenly I hear a loud pitch scream and I quickly cover my ears and whine in pain until it stops and my eyes snap open glowing purple.

"That was Lydia, Allison stop the car" I yell and she slams on her breaks and I push open the car door and fall onto the ground. Growling my wings fly out of my back and I push myself off into the sky searching for Lydia.

"CLARA COME BACK!" I hear Allison shout at me.Flying through the dark cloudy sky I couldn't help but feel bad I wasn't helping Scott and Derek out but I knew Lydia screaming as something important and I feel my body knowing where she was. Turning fully into the fire phoenix I fly faster over the houses of Beacon Hills and finally fly past Stiles' moving jeep, heading in the same direction as me, flying past him I hear him honk his horn and I knew he knew I was flying towards Lydia as well. Finally finding Lydia at the local Swimming Pool I land as the Fire Bird and my body covers itself with fire and I walk out of it in my human form with clothes on this time. I was happy I learned control while I was in Australia.Moments later Stiles' pulls out and throws himself out of the jeep and runs up to me checking me all over and I nod showing him I was okay and I quickly run past Lydia's car.

"Lydia!?" Stiles shouts as we finally see the distraught strawberry blonde.

"You okay? I ask finally reaching beside her and looking at her.

"I'm okay, that, over there, not okay" Lydia says to us shaking her head and hugging her body, refusing to look at the bloody and dead body.

"Um yeah I'm going to call my dad" Stiles says looking or his phone in his pocket.

"I already called 911" Lydia tells us.

You called the police before you called me?" Stiles asks Lydia annoyed she called the police first and not one of us who knows this isn't a simple murder, nothing is simple in Beacon Hills these days.

"I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?" Lydia asks Stiles shocked he even asked her that question.

"YES" Stiles shouts at Lydia and quickly grabs his phone and calls Scott.

"Yep throat ripped out, it's like the freaking shining over here, if two little twin girls come out of the woods asking me to play with them forever and ever I will not be surprised" Stiles tells Scott pacing around in a small circle.

"Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?" Scott asks.

"Make sure it was them Scott who else is running around ripping throats out?" Stiles states and I sigh annoyed with my boyfriend.

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