Chapter 24

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It felt like forever, my body was in slumber, I could feel the darkness circling around my heart, I could feel everyone else going through the same thing. My eyes snap open and I reach for the sides of the bathtub and fling myself up, to see Scott, Allison and Stiles doing the same thing, all of us un unison gasping. We all look around to see we were in a white room, nothing else but us and the bathtubs were present. We slowly move out of the bathtubs, our bodies shaking from the cold, our hair and clothes dripping water onto the floor. Everyone suddenly looks to me and then I look behind me to see what we were looking for.

The Nemeton.

The four of us walk together, pretty much in a line towards the cut down tree, Scott leading us only by an extra metre. Once we arrive to the tree, we watch Scott place his hand onto the tree, and then he was gone. Allison, Stiles and I look at each other with uncertainty, but Allison walks forward and places her hand onto the tree then disappears. Stiles looks to me and then kisses my forehead sweetly and I watch him to the same as Allison and Scott, then he disappears too.

"Let it begin" I whisper to myself as I walk to the Nemeton and place my own hand onto the tree, and suddenly I was back at home. I was wearing my black and pink pjs, and my hair was in a messy bun, but the problem was I was watching myself in these clothes, I was still in my wet skirt and crop top.

"Mother? When will you come back?" My past left asks curious.

"Just out, I shouldn't be too long" My mother says then walks away from my bedroom.

Why don't I remember any of this, I remember nothing from this night at all. My past self-smirks then rips off her pjs to show she was wearing dark jeans and a black top, she rolls off the bed and grabs the leather jacket hanging off the door along with her phone. Running out of the bedroom I quickly follow to show see myself walking through the woods, were Scott was bitten. Suddenly my phone goes off and my past self-groans "Bloody hell Stiles, I can't talk right now" She mumbles to herself then sticks her phone back into her pocket.

Running through the woods myself trips on a branch then falls down into a galley way and groans, dirt covering her clothes and face, leaves in her hair tangled. That's when I saw it, my mother staying next to the Nemeton, talking to a werewolf.

"She isn't ready to know, and you can't go around turning teenagers into Werewolves Peter Hale" My mother spits in fury. My past self-hides behind a large rock while I watch from closer.

Peter turns into his human self-smirking at my mother, "I can do whatever I please Snow Phoenix, and we have a visitor" Peter says and suddenly my eyes widen, I was caught, my younger self was caught by Peter.

Suddenly my younger self was thrown in front of my mother and I was crying, Peter then dug his claws into my stomach and I wailed in agony and then he pulled away "This is a warning, leave me alone, or you or your daughter will pay for it" Peter says then runs off.

I run to be in front of my body, My mother holds me as I bleed out, not being able to heal myself, my mother quickly heals my wounds then as my eyes open she says some words knocking me out again. She stands up and then carries me Bridal Style.

"Hopefully you will not remember this night, thanks to the Nemeton I have the power to do this" My mother whispers then kisses my head, walking towards the route home.

I look at the Nemeton and then look around, I know where it is.

My body rises out of the ice filled water in the bathtub and I roll out of it onto the floor, shaking, watching Allison, Stiles and Scott do the same as me. In shock Lydia, Isaac and Deaton come into the room, happy and relieved to see us all alive.

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