Chapter 13

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"Clara!" Stiles shouts and I feel myself stop in mid-air, dangling, I look up to see Stiles leaning over the ledge gripping onto my right arm, tightly, refusing to let me fall.

"S-Stiles, let go! Let me die!" I cry at him and he shakes his head.

"No I will not let you die, you're not leaving me Clara, if you leave me I will leave with you" Stiles tells me and I shake my head.

"Don't be a fool Stiles, let her fall, let her play the game" Jane seethes and grabs onto mine and Stiles' arms, pulling us apart, Stiles screams out in agony as Jane crushes his arm.

"Clara, open your mind, open your eyes, open your wings, Fire Phoenix come back to me!" Stiles shouts.

"Don't listen to him Clara, just fall and play the game" My mother tells me.

"Clara I love you, please!" Stiles shouts at me.

"I need to play the game, none of my friends are going to die!" I cry out to him.

"No one is going to die today, not you, not Scott, not anyone, we are all going to survive, we have gotten through much worse than this, don't let these ghosts try and force you into something! Clara you're one of the most powerful and strong person I know, you're not going to die! I won't let you!" Stiles shouts out at me in a ramble.

Something inside my head snaps.

"I will not die today, no!" I shout.

My wings fall out of my back, the presence keeping them in finally gave way.

"NO!!!" Jane and my mother scream, a distorted scream and Stiles uses all the power in his human body and stands up and flings his body back causing my body to rise from the edge of the building, away from falling and back over the ledge and my body lands on top of his.

"Oh my god, oh my god, Clara, you're okay" Stiles says, his soft hands grabbing on to my face gently, as if I was a fragile china doll.

"You saved me" I whisper.

Stiles quickly covers my lips with his, kissing me as if he hadn't kissed me in a long time. He held onto me softly and I pull away from him.

"Are they gone?" I ask him sitting up.

Stiles glances over my shoulder and nods.

"They are gone, they can't hurt you now" Stiles tells me.

Helping me stand we quickly leave the roof top, the both of us trying to forget what had happened. Walking down the hallways I'm suddenly turned around and I see a distraught strawberry blonde, Lydia, looking at me with her mouth hanging open, I could feel her heartbeat flowing off her, her body was shaking, her breaths were uneven.

"Lydia?" I ask her frowning.

"Someone is drowning" She gasps out.

"Stiles, Boyd, Isaac, it's one of them" I state turning around to look at Stiles worried.

Without another though, the three of us rush to Boyd and Isaac's room and burst open the door, instantly we had a clear view of the bathroom In the hotel room and we could see a pair of long dark skinned legs. Boyd. He was drowning himself. Running towards the bath tub Stiles rolls up his sleeves and kneels down trying to unplug the bathtub but nothing happens.

"He blocked it with something I can't get to it" Stiles tells us.

"Well what do we do" Lydia states worried and looks at me.

"We got to get the safe off him, help me" I state kneeling down and the three of us try to pull of the safe, off Boyd's body, but it was too strong, we couldn't lift it "Is he dead" I ask Stiles worried looking down into the bathtub.

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