Chapter 21

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We rest Cora down on a table, I close the doors keeping watch to make sure the twins weren't still after us.

I sigh and turn around to see Peter looking at me "Where's the big guy?" He asks me worried.

"They are close, but not too close" I tell him.

"What about Miss Blake" Stiles asks me.

My breath hitches and I shake my head.

"What do you mean, do you mean she is gone!" Stiles comes up to me shouting slightly "Clara are you kidding me!"

"I tried!" I shout at him.

"Oi don't shout at her!" Derek snaps at Stiles defensively.

"Me stop shouting? You're telling me what to do when you're crazy girlfriend, which you are dating by the way has got my dad somewhere tied up getting ready to be ritually sacrificed" Stiles snaps at Derek completely pissed off.

"Stiles, they are out there" Scott says trying to make Stiles understand what is happening right now.

"And they want her right, well we don't have her either, if we don't find her, my dad and Cora are both dead!" Stiles shouts at Derek and I.

I close my eyes and smack Stiles hard on his left cheek, causing Scott and Derek both gasp and I growl "Shut up, we all know we have to get your father back and save Cora's life, we don't need you hounding us and reminding us making us feel terrible, we are fucking trying!" I shout at my boyfriend and then walk over to Cora "Is she really dying Peter?" I ask him seriously.

"Well she certainly isn't getting any better Clara" Peter tells me.

"Is there anything we can do to save her" Scott comes up beside me.

"You can't" A voice says and the doors open up to show Miss Blake returning back to us and my eyebrows rise, surprised she actually came back "Only I can, I can save her and I can tell you were Sheriff Stilinski is, there are a pack of alphas looking for me in this building, so I will help you, but only when I'm out of here and safe" Miss Blake tells us, and we all watch her, we had no choice but to follow her demands "Only then"

Suddenly Derek pushes past me harshly causing me to fall into Stiles' arms and she runs at Jennifer, Scott grabs him stopping him "Derek" Scott says in a warning tone.

"She was trying to escape!" Derek shouts.

"I was trying to stop myself from getting killed, you can't blame me for that" Jennifer tells Derek.

She does have a point, but I would never say that out loud.

"If you want to show you're one of the good guys heal her" Stiles says to Jennifer and points to the dying Cora.

"Not until I'm safe" Jennifer says.

"She might die by then!" I snap at her.

"I'd like to volunteer in a different way of persuading, lets torture her" Peter suggest and I roll my eyes.

"That works for me" Derek says struggling in Scott's grip.

Suddenly the speaker starts to work and it was Melissa's voice.

Oh god.

"Um Mr Deucalion, excuse me just Deucalion requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the ER reception, do this and everyone else can leave, you have ten minutes" Melissa says, her voice was trying to contain the fear of her being held hostage by Deucalion, I look to Scott to see his face was covered in sweat, his eyes were teary, his breaths were uneven.

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