Chapter 15

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Knowing we didn't have much time, Scott, Stiles, Cora, Lydia and I all leave the empty classroom, as the bell rings Scott looks down to his phone and I start feeling like there was no hope, I felt anxious.

"But isn't Danny still at the hospital?" Cora asks Scott confused.

"Yeah that's where we are going right now" Stiles states and we walk huddled together down the crowded hallway.

"I'll meet you there" Scott says with a panicked tone, he was getting more and more worried about Deaton's welfare, and to be honest, I was struggling to come to terms with the fact he was taken.

"Wait a second Scott, we shouldn't-"Before I could finish Scott spins around showing me a text message from Allison saying she figured out something. With that Scott ran out of the school and I watched him jump onto his motorbike and drive to Allison's in order to find out what she figured out.

"Stiles, go to the hospital to find out what is the reason behind Danny being targeted, Cora, go with him, I need to go find Isaac, he ran off" I state walking out of the school and into the school car park.

"He would of gone to Derek's why can't I come?" Cora states annoyed with me.

"Because I said so, mini hale" I state rolling my eyes.

"I don't want you to go there alone, what is something is happening with the alpha pack, it's too dangerous" Stiles says rambling but I quickly grab his face and cover his mouth.

"Sh, I will be okay, remember I have wings and I can make fire I think I can handle almost everything, Stiles baby I will be okay" I state and kiss his lips softly "Now get going message me if you figure out anything alright?" I state.

"I will for sure, keep your phone close by" Stiles states walking to his car.

I nod and walk the other direction and get into the woods.

"Time to fly" I mumble to myself and I let my wings fall out of my back and flap my wings once and I push myself off the ground and fly into the air, flying past the trees I look above to see I wasn't too far from Derek's loft, flapping my wings for extra power I pushed forward and landed on the ground outside the loft and look up to see Derek was standing in the window doorway. My wings slowly roll back into my back and I enter the building and go up the lift to Derek's level.

Walking towards the door I slide it open and I watch all the boys jump up.

"Clara! Stop! Don't step on the water it's got electrical currents flowing through it!" Boyd shouts and my eyes widen and I look down to see after the wooden steps the floor was covered in water and I gulp.

"Fly over here" Derek tells me.

I nod and my wings fall out of my back once again and I fly over the water and land onto Isaac and Derek softly and they help me stand up as my wings go back into my back.

"What are you trying to do kill someone!" I state annoyed crossing my arms.

Isaac hums and nods his head "Yes actually"

I roll my eyes "Alpha pack?" I ask.

The three boys nod their heads.

Isaac turns to his right and points to the power box "Isn't that light meant to be on?" He asks out loud worried.

"Yeah" Derek states simply.

"What does it mean if it isn't on?" Isaac asks worried.

"It means someone cut the power" I state worried looking around the room.

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