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"Vayah, you good" I knocked on the door as I heard disgusting hacks coming from my bathroom

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"Vayah, you good" I knocked on the door as I heard disgusting hacks coming from my bathroom

"Yeah" she replied a few seconds later it was the day after the party and we were on our ass

I had the worst headache of all time and Vay had been throwing up since she opened her eyes

I had just came back from the store grabbing us some medicine and some hydration packets to put in our water

"I got medicine" I opened the door holding the bottle of water and the nausea medicine

"K hold on" she stood up flushing the toilet then using her toothbrush to brush her teeth

She threw the pill back and flushed it down with the hydration water

"Go lay down and I'll check on you in a hour with ice cream" I smiled tapping her ass cheeks as she walked into my guest room


"Girl I don't even know what the fuck happened" I shook my head as we sat on my couch talking about the eventful night

"Right, after we talked with Gio everything is a blur" she agreed as we shook our heads in unison

We never got that drunk before so we were definitely disappointed

"Last thing I remember before coming home is getting scooped up by your brother and him shooting" I shrugged trying to really remember what happened

"Well as long as we alive I guess it don't even matter right now, it'll come to us in due time" Vayah brushed it off getting a scoop of the cookie dough ice cream we were sharing

"I know that's right, that's a story for our future kids" I laughed taking a scoop after her and resuming too hot to handle on Netflix


"Look whatever yall got going I need you to drop it, we got bigger shit to worry about" D2 (the boss/ Dom and Dame pops) told me and Dame as we glared at each other

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"Look whatever yall got going I need you to drop it, we got bigger shit to worry about" D2 (the boss/ Dom and Dame pops) told me and Dame as we glared at each other

"AYE!" he yelled ending the staring competition

"Now we needa figure out why them Moon boys put bullet holes in the crib before yo uncle get back and handle it his way cause that's everybody ass" he faced himself toward his son making me chuckle

"I think we all know the answer to that" I continued to snicker

"Fuck is you talking about"

"Oh so yo pops don't know that Paris brother was head of the Moon Pies?" I started to click dots together and D2 screwed his face up in confusion

"Dame— pop— I was gone tell you I swear" he stood up whispering as D2 tried to wrap his head around what was being said

"Lemme run it down for ya, basically this nigga was using Paris— to get the MoonRocks to be cordial with us and let us take over they block as long as he was with her. Last night was they way of deadin that shit cause he told Paris to get the fuck on" I told the whole story still chuckling hysterically

"Would you shut up for once bruh! Damn! Only reason you talking is cause I had yo sister calling me daddy last night. Cause up until that point you was all "you smart Dame" and "We got this shit dame" now it's all my fault" Dame finally spoke and not gone lie he was speaking facts but I had enough respect for Dom and D2 not to fuck that nigga up

"Wait, you fucked Lil Christian Vayah?" Dom said catching on to everything

"Shut up Dom" everybody said in unison and he zipped his lips throwing away the key

"It ain like I took her virginity bruh, she asked for some dick so I gave it to her. Me being the free man I am I wasn't thinking especially with that liquor in my system" Dame said taking owner ship

"Son you know better then to mess around with family, and as for Paris we'll talk about that another time. Until then I want them niggas heads floating in the river before yo uncle get back" he left out the room slamming the door

"Bruh I apologize I really do, yo sister seem like a good girl. But you need to get on her ass like you getting on mine cause it take two to tango" he walked out behind D2 leaving me and Dom

Dom started laughing as he was looking at his phone screen

"Fuck is funny"

"Bruh. Vayah is not staying away from that Nigga now that they done fucked, you might as well get used to her being around. He tend to make good girls go crazy" he used his fingers gesturing crazy making me slap his neck before I walked out and went to the house only to fine Vayah gone

Only other place she could be is Milli's but ion feel like dealing with them two right now, I got too much shit I gotta worry bout

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