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"You wanna talk" I walked into dames office holding sleeping Ky'mani. It had been 4 days since we talked to each other

There was bad tension between us because of the entire WB situation, he slept in the guest room and only talked to me if it was about Ky.

"Yeah lay him down first, I don't wanna wake him up if we get loud" I nodded taking a note of what this conversation was about to be about

I took Ky to the living room laying him in his play pin putting on boss baby to keep him entertained just in case he woke up

"Ok" I cracked the door behind me taking a deep breath as I went back in his office

"The other day I just want you to know I ain mean to be like a push over or come at you the wrong way, I'm just very passionate about the plan that me and banks made that it's really the only thing I can think about besides you and Ky" he expressed and I felt a lump in my throat as he took a deep breath to keep going

"I never meant for this to make you feel like you can't trust me, but I mean it when I say once this happens I'm completely done with WB but for your protection I can't have you in no parts of it. Just knowing could get you hurt and I'm not taking those chances" he grabbed my hand in an attempt to comfort me and it slightly worked

"I hear you and I understand, but you lied to me the first time. It wasn't even about me not trusting you with this is was the fact that you said you quit when you obviously haven't yet. I trust you and your plan but I need you to be honest with me...you can't just give me false hope and expect me to be ok with it" I spoke honestly and he heard every word and I knew he did because of the way both of our energies shifted

"Ok we done fighting now, I can't stand fighting wit yo ass. You being mad just make me horny" he joked as he gripped my ass making me laugh

"Only if we can both agree to be honest and speak our minds..and you get out before things go to far and you lose control of it all" we looked into each others eyes and I was loving every moment of being in his embrace

"I promise" he pecked my lips before placing me on his desk and began kissing down my body

I only had on a psd set giving him slight easy access which I hated because I liked to be a tease when it came to him

I pulled off the boxer kissing the lips of my vagina as I got soaked with my juices he pecked my lips one last time before eating me out and covering my mouth to be sure I wouldn't alert Daja or wake up Ky


"Hey Daja" dame grabbed her keys as soon as she walked in the door barely giving her time to get in the house good

"Hi.." she looked at him weird holding her hand out for her keys as he stood in the center of the living room holding them

"Nah I think I'm keep 'em" he said and I shook my head in disappointment

"Damien give her back her keys" I stood up to grab them but he moved them from both of our reach

"So you wanna take her punishment, cause it includes you too" his statement left me and Daja with a confused mug

"What are you talking about" I asked and Daja crossed her arms

"Lemme refresh y'all memory" he cleared his throat being all extra

"What happened that night of the party Daja" he looked her directly in her eyes

"Uhh, normal kid party stuff. You know smoking drinking etc" she shrugged confused

"After that"

"Me and my friends left then went to Bia's house and everybody got sleepy and went home so I came home and went to bed" she shrugged still confused while I tried to keep my composure hoping he didn't figure out what happened

"Wrong!— what" Daja cut him off still confused

"So don't even try to lie cause I know boogie was laid up in the bed with you until Avayah came in and drove him home and I know this because when u asked me to go in your room this morning I saw his custom WB hoodie under your bed and I check your car cause it would make sense but something kept saying vee when I found nothing and low and behold the boy a dumbass cause he left his school name tag in the back" I instantly knew to shut up and say nothing because he was always more pissed when he was calm

"So what? No car and what else" Daja asked already knowing her last week of school was approaching and her summer would be hell

"You hand over your keys everyday after you get home from school, you hand over everything but your phone at 8 and every morning at 5 you get up with me. Keys start now everything else starts when school is over I want you to be safe out here and keep up the good grades" he kissed her forehead and she rolled her eyes going upstairs and he slowly walked to his office

"Nothing for me?" I spoke hesitantly

"I can't deal with you right now vee, we just got back on good terms and you do some fucked shit like that. I don't want my sister in a fucked up situation like us that she can't take back" my heart broke but I'm glad to finally know how he really feel

"Glad you finally spoke your mind" I walked the other way

"Vee— nope it's all cool" I grabbed my phone walking upstairs to go in my zen room leaving him at the bottom of the stairs

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Who was in the Wrong?

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