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"Told you" I said to the gaurd as he took me to the processing area

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"Told you" I said to the gaurd as he took me to the processing area

"You'll be back" the officer replied shutting the door in my face

I turned around to another officer who was un-processing me

"Good to see you Mr. Warner" she told me as she handed me my clothes

"You too Officer Boals" I replied with a smile

They let me change inside the bathroom and did everything else they had to do

I walked out the prison to Gio standing outside waiting for me

"What up chump" he dapped me up

"Ready to go see my family that's what's up, take me home now" I replied filled with excitement

"We going to the hospital, she in labor" he told me hopping inside the car making me hop in too

"How long" it was silent for a little

"All night, she don't wanna do it without you she started refusing to push when I got here. They tryna take her in to do a c-section if she keep on" he informed me

"Then fuck is we sitting here for, ion want her hurting herself or the baby" Gio pulled off and tried to speed so we could make it in time

It just seemed like we were getting stopped at every red light or was behind every slow car the closer we got

Soon as we pulled into the parking lot I hopped out running inside

"Sir no running" a nurse yelled

"I'm sorry I'm looking for my girl, A'Vayah hicks" he told her

"Room 2114 on the 4th floor" she told me after looking at her computer for a second and I ran

I click the elevator button waiting for it to come from the 8th floor down to the ground floor but it was taking mad long

Once it reached the 4th I decided to take the stairs and try to meet it on the second floor

I reached the second floor seeing a family get off and I got on behind them clicking the 4th floor

It went down then back up with no interruptions my nerves started to settle as I reached the 4th floor

I walked down the hall taking a left being confused as I read all the signs

"Just take DJ home" I heard a familiar voice say as I sped walked down the hallway

I stopped in the hallway by the room the voices were coming from seeing Paris, DJ and Dom

"Dom? Fuck is you doing here" I was confused and wanted answers but I was more worried about A'Vayah

"Daddy can we go get ice cream now?" DJ said making me look down at him then up at Dom seeing he was wrapped around his legs


"Dame w- man shut the fuck up, shoulda killed yo ass when I had the chance... but you, ion even want talk to you right now" I waved him off as my mom came from behind me

"Dame come on" she pulled me in the other direction taking me into the room with A'Vayah

"I can't do it" she cried and I walked to the side of her grabbing her hand

"You can V, I gotcha" she looked up and tears rolled down her face

"You ready to push" the doctor asked she looked at me then nodded

Everything in the room was so chaotic because they were worried about both A'Vayah and the baby

"Deep breathe in and 1-" was all I heard as everything went silent

I started to hear my own heart beat as the pace fastened. I felt my hand start shaking out of nerves

In this moment I wanted to be nowhere but here, and all the fear of being taking away from this washed over me

"Congratulations momma, your boy is healthy and strong" the doctor said making me snap back into reality as they held him up

"Dad?" The nurse handed me the scissors to cut the cord

I cut the cord then handed back the scissors feeling tears roll down my face

They put him on A'Vayah's chest for a minute before taking him to get cleaned off and his weight and everything

I stayed by his side every step they took with him, seeing his small body made me worry about a million things


"I told you I was coming back" I told A'Vayah as I stood over her holding our son

"Can you please stop being stingy and give me my baby" she mugged me and I laughed handing him to her

"My fault, this just my dude. He calm over here I ain wanna disturb his peace" he held onto my finger as she pat his back to keep him from crying

A drunken mistake turned out to be the best mistake of my life. It wasn't the day my life ended, it was the day a new chapter for me began

I am forever grateful for A'Vayah and our son.

Ky'Mani Juelz Warner
7lb 18oz
September 5

Dame Found Out, What Will he Do?
Welcome Baby Ky'Mani!!
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Thanks Bookie 🤍

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