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As A'Vayah was getting ready for the baby shower all she could do was stress. Stress over the paternity results, her relationship with both Dame and Tray, and if Tray would show up.

"Call me back, we start in like 30 minutes Tray" she left another voicemail

She honestly didn't know if he was just ignoring her or purposely trying to make her mad

He promised he would be here so she expected him her despite the paternity issues

"You want the balloon arch on the back door right?" Dame walked in while she was trying to zip up her dress holding the balloon arch

"Yep, it was already supposed to be up" she rolled her eyes and gave up on trying to zip up her dress

"Ok, lemme do it. I'll get to this in a minute" he threw the balloons down and zipped up her dress

"Thank you" she let out a very needed deep breath

"Just chill, he'll be here especially because he knew what it means to you" dame hugged her and gave her encouraging words before leaving her to finish decorate

The baby shower was happening at the new house but she wasn't moved in yet. A'Vayah just don't want to rent out a bnb for this when she had a perfect house with a perfect backyard

A hour went by and guest started showing up so she finally went outside in the backyard and greeted everyone and eventually ended up with her group

"Yay another tt baby! Camilla squealed rubbing her belly and A'Vayah rolled her eyes

"This is perfect because that mean you can get one and I can get one then she can have bad ass Ky" Lexi inserted and Camilla nodded in agreement

"We are not splitting up my babies, and disclaiming my first baby" A'Vayah looked around again for Tray and didn't see him so she got annoyed

She zoned out from the conversation and completely forgot about where she was for a moment

Tray went back on his word, he never went back on his word. Was he really that mad?

"Where is Tray?" Milla asked looking around just as she came back to reality

"I don't know, he said he'd be here" she shrugged off

Little did she know Dame was watching in the distance and he noticed her eyes began to swell up which meant she was about to cry

"Excuse me, imma take her for a minute" he interrupted their conversation taking her into the bathroom

"Let it out" she sat on the toilet and put her head in his shirt while he hugged her tight and she cried

Once she was done she grabbed a tissue and blew her nose

"I'm glad you decided not to wear makeup cause eww" he said making a joke and they both laughed

"Fuck you the hard way" she got up looking in the mirror fixing herself

"You already did multiple times, but I'm glad I could make you smile on a special day for you" she pushed him and he opened the door

The two of them walked outside together and only a few people paid attention but no one said anything

"I think it's gift time" Gio yelled and everyone agreed

"Want me to help" Dame asked and she nodded as the walked to the center of the backyard where all the gifts and the chair was placed

Dame and A'Vayah opened gifts and she gave her thank you speech and people started leaving

Alright everything is basically took down except for the arch's and anything with balloons and the stuff you said you wanted to keep. Ky is with Gio you need anything

"Um actually yea" she said holding an envelope

"Those the results" she nodded so he came closer

"You looked yet"

"No, I don't even think I care to know anymore it's obvious Tray doesn't care. You been here more than he has in the pasts few months"

"Then don't look, it won't matter to me if they're mine or not. Blood won't make you a father actions do"

"Thank you for be-" A'Vayah got cut of by a phone call

"Hello? What? Ok" was all she said before she hung up the phone and stared off into space

"Talk to me Vee" Tray nudged her a little bit

"Tray was in a accident" the room went silent Dames heart broke for her

Seeing the person he loved hurt over someone they loved was not something he wanted to see today

He just wanted to see love and good vibes and a resolved moment from the paternity results


See you in 2 days for the next chapter!!!
Is Tray and ok ?
Who's the father?!

Go back and vote/comment mfr!!
Shorter Chapter

Thanks Bookie 🤍

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