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"Now re-run it again with all the details again" Tray spoke to her passing back and forth in the kitchen

"Tray it won't make a difference how many times I say it the facts are still the facts" A'Vayah tried to say something to him that would get him to stop making her say the whole thing over

Since the gender reveal Her and Him hadn't really spoken unless it was about the current situation

It was mostly A'Vayah going over the story over and over because tray was just trying to make since of it all but no matter how many times he heard it A'Vayah was right it didn't change the facts

Tray simply gave A'Vayah a look, so she took a deep breath and got prepared to retell the story and not leave out a detail

"Some days before you and I were officially together I had sec with Dame. It was more of a goodbye than it was anything else. You asks me to be your girlfriend and I said yes because I was ready to move on from dame and the only other life I knew despite his efforts to get me back. We had sex that night and when I found out I was pregnant I didn't think anything of it. I thought my babies were yours.." the took a pause to catch her breath

"Until" Tray rushed her using hand movements

"Until I fell that day and dame took me to the hospital. The doctor said I was however many weeks and he had his suspicions which is why I came home the way I did but still I didn't think anything of it because again I had sec with you that same week. I think I was more fixated on the idea of you being the dad that I didn't want to think about it honestly, but same wouldn't drop it and the more he asked the more i questioned myself" she finished and the amount of guilt she had on her voice was like nothing Vayah had felt before

"Alright so you're getting a paternity test , right?" Tray asked and she nodded scared at what he was about to say

She never meant to hurt Tray and she did want to be with him or at least she thought she did all of this was just confusing and her hormones weren't helping

"Bet, so imma continue staying at my friends house until then. I'll still come to the baby shower and everything but since you and your baby daddy seem to be all buddy buddy imma let him take over until I know I'm the daddy" he told her straight faced no emotion whatsoever

His entire demeanor broke her heart, she knew his was hurting and pissed all at the same time

"What about our house we're supposed to move before I get induced" she brought up as they both had forgotten about it

"You can still move in I mean you are gonna have 3 kids in the end so you need a bigger place then this. I'll figure some out and baby girl can stay with her mom until I do"

"So that's it we're just done? Your acting like I cheated when that wasn't the case" Vayah tried to hold back her tears but it was hard

"It ain about that you lied bruh end of story, you could've been told me but you didn't I wouldn't lie to you about some like that despite how unsure or scared I was" Vayah cried and Trey was over her emotions so he left making her cry harder

She was truly going through it, all she had to do now was get the paternity test and wait for the results but if Tray was the father she knew she'd never forgive him for how poorly he treated her during this difficult time


See you in 2 days for the next chapter!!!
Is this the end of Tray and A'Vayah ?
Paternity test time!

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Shorter Chapter

Thanks Bookie 🤍

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