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"Why is he not dressed yet Damien" A'Vayah came inside the house with a bunch of presents in her hand as Ky and Dame both walked around shirtless

"My momma fed him so he wouldn't be cranky before the party started and I ain want his clothes to get dirty cause I know how you are" Damien was annoyed at A'Vayah and had been for a while

He wasn't liking her sudden change in attitude and was slowly getting tired of it

"Just go put his clothes on please and thank you" A'Vayah placed the gifts on the gift table still not looking at Damien then walking off to do something else for the party

Dame started to notice how she was avoiding him all day but didn't want to bring it up just yet because it was their sons special day

After putting on Kymani's clothes and coming back downstairs with him, Deja and her friends immediately took him out of his arms and went outside to play in the ball pit

"Thank you so much for coming" Dame heard A'Vayah say as he saw how full his parents kitchen and backyard were as people kept coming in

"Anything else you need me to do" dame went over to A'Vayah

"No, where's my baby I wanna get some pictures" she looked around for Ky

"Outside with Deja, wassup wit you" Dame asked with his face screwed up

"Nothing. Why" A'Vayah finally looked up at him

"You been avoiding me all day and this your first time looking me in my eyes. Now I wasn't gone say nothing but it's like you tryna sho me away right now" dame said trying to keep his tone low so no one would know what they were talking about

"No right now, I just wanna enjoy the party" A'Vayah walked off going outside with Ky and Deja and began taking pictures of everyone enjoying themselves

The party was going great, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves except for Damien who was watching A'Vayah and Ky from a distance as he mingled with a few friends

"Dame come take a picture" Vanessa called out dame shook his head no

"Come on son this is a memory" D2 added so he hesitantly walked over taking Ky from Vee's arms as they took a few family photos

"Now take him to play or something you been standing over there this whole time" Vanessa ordered her son

"Nah, it seem like he having fun with his momma I'll get my turn" he shrugged off making A'Vayah look at him confused

"Ok gimmie my nephew back" Deja walked up taking Ky out of A'Vayah's arms and walking off

"Ok, let's talk" A'Vayah walked into the house waiting for dame to follow

Dame took a sip from his red solo cup and followed behind her going inside the house

As they passed by more guest Vee smiled and greeted a few new people before taking them into D2's office for some privacy

"What's wrong" she asked after shutting the door behind them

"Nothing Vee I'm just letting you do your thing" he shrugged

"Don't do that nonchalant bullshit. Why are you letting me and you affect your time with your son?"

"Vee it ain that deep I'm just chilling. I can do this shit with him all day everyday of the week ion need to do it infront of nobody to prove im a good father"

"Who said anything about— ok I see what it is"

"What" he took another sip from his cup

"That fucking cup got you in your head because nobody said your not a good dad" A'Vayah took the cup form his hand

"No what's really wrong with me is you and your fucking attitude. You either act like I'm not fucking there or you talk to me like I'm a dumbass and try to shoo me off like I'm bothering you. If I bother you that fucking bad why you still with me A'Vayah?" Damien finally spoke his mind

While it might seem small to outsiders this argument had been building up for a while now

"You really wanna do this here at your son's first birthday party?" Dame waved her off not caring about anything other then the facts

"Fine. I can't do it no more Damien I'm tired of this never ending cycle for 1 it's not healthy for ky and it's mentally draining" Damien nodded finally hearing the words he was waiting for

"I'll be out the house by tomorrow don't even trip" he grabbed his cup getting ready to walk out

"No, I already got accepted for an apartment in Atlanta. I was waiting until tomorrow to tell you but you couldn't wait to have this conversation" dame took a deep breath before walking out as those words cut deep

He knew that he wouldn't be able to stop her from leaving and he wasn't going to try, but he definitely wasn't ok with her taking his first and only son

He figured they'd talk about that later because that conversation would get heated

After A'Vayah gathered herself she went outside and Vanessa announced it was time for cake

Both Dame and A'Vayah stood on opposite sides of Ky as they song happy birthday to him and blew out his candles

The photographer took a few pictures of the awkward yet happy moment for the family and Ky dug into the cake getting completely messy

"Y'all alright" Rosie asked now that the party was coming to an end

"We broke up but I'm ok" she shrugged as she watched Dame and Ky play with a basketball

Once the party was over and just about everyone was gone except for family Dame and Ky were left sitting in the grass

"I love you Ky and don't let no body tell you different. I love your momma too but things are complicated right now but I know she'll give you the best life in Atlanta and imma come visit you all the time" he kissed his sons cheek and just held him as the reality of his life set in and A'Vayah watched them from inside the house

Her heart broke for Ky but she knew she was doing what was best for her son by taking him away from this toxic place and out of a toxic situation.


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