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5 years later

The door opened and in came Ky, KD and and Kay followed behind a slower dame

"Mommy" the twins ran and gave her a hug

"Hi my babies" she picked them up and kissed them

"Um Ky, where my hug" Ky rolled his eyes and took a step back from the stairs giving her a hug

"Thank you" she said and he ran off to his room

"The hell wrong with him" she put the twins down

"His friend having a party and I told him he couldn't go cause of what happened with his teacher the other day" dame placed all the kids backpacks in their places

"Oh" aVayah said

"Yea, but how was your day" dame came over pulling her into his hold and gripping her ass

"It was good, I got a lot of work done today" she smiled wrapping her arms around his neck

"That's good" he pecked her lips

"I finally uploaded our updated Q&A too on our couples channel" she pulled away to grab the meat that need to thaw out

"Ooo ok, I see you "

"Any sales today or slow day"

"Nah we had a lot actually I was surprised myself. We sold the most cars we ever sold on the past year"

"That's good baby" she pecked his lips

"Imma go play basketball when we get the kids down if that's alright"

"That's fine I was gonna watch my show anyway"

"The rookie?" She nodded

"Alright you bad asses go get them pj's out and I'll be up in a minute to do homework" dame told the kids

"Did you feed Blu today" dame asked referring to their dog

"Not since like it's been a few hours he might be hungry again , and I know he need to go out"A'Vayah said and he went in the backyard


"Yall ready for bed" Vee asked the twins after the movie went off

"Yea" KD said and Kay just yawned

Vee picked up half sleep Kay and held KD's hand going upstairs

"Umm go lay her down then I'll come to you" Vee told KD and he ran in his room to get in bed

Avayah went inside Kay's room laid her down and turned on the LED night light she add and played soft sounds on Alexa

"Goodnight Kay Kay" she kissed her forehead cracking the door and going to do the same for KD

On her way back downstairs she peaked in on Ky who was playing video games on his PC set up

"Don't stay up late ok" he nodded

"I love you" she blew a kiss and he smiled going back into his game

Vee went downstairs and poured her a glass of juice cause she doesn't drink wine and sat on the couch with her blanket watching the rookie

Dame came in and went straight to take a shower knowing A'Vayah doesn't like him all stank and sweaty

He came and laid his head on her lap with some snacks for them and a Gatorade

"But we been knew this wanna be therapist was a criminal" Vee smacked him

"I want say another damn word" he threw his hands in the air and she giggled

Having the twins despite the craziness it brought in the beginning was the best thing that could've happened

Her and dame were back on track like they never broke up

They were married with 3 kids, a beautiful house and a dog. She was living the dream

A'Vayah's still continued to be a influencer and even opened a new shop close to the kids school where her, Lexi and Camilla all worked with occasional help from Deja

Damien's family respected their wishes about keeping WB away from the kids and keeping dame out of it unless he genuinely needed to know

A'Vayah thought back on everything and how she got here and she couldn't even cry only smile

"What you smiling at beautiful" dame asked eating some chips

"Just happy with our life, and soaking in every moment of it" she cheesed harder and he pecked her lips and fed her a skittle

"Can I come watch" Ky stood on the stairs and Dame patted a spot in between them

He ran down and jumped in between them with his blanket

"Wait wasn't she the therapist" Ky asked and Vee mugged him making Dame laugh

"Yes son she is" he retorted and the shared a laugh together

A'Vayah's Best Mistake became her Best Life!

The End

Thanks Bookie 🤍

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