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"Call me back Vee, Please" Damien was lost and confused his voice broke as he tried not to panic leaving A'Vayah a voicemail for the 50th time

"Still no word" Vanessa rubbed her sons back in an attempt to calm him

He shook his head no as he put in head in his hands leaning over the counter

"Fucks bro" he mumbled under his breath raising his body up

"She'll be back son calm down" D2 said with a smile on his face drinking a bottle of beer

"It's yo fucking fault, you made me this way. Now ion know where my fucking girl is and if her or my baby ok" Dame snapped making his dad stand on the other side of the island

"Last time i checked she wasn't your girl son, and you need to tone it down before I forget who you are cause I almost did. We don't even know if that is your fucking baby" D2 finally spoke his mind as he sipped on his beer

"Make sure I'm dead then, cause if you ever threaten me again I won't hesitate to finish what you started. Like you said I'm just like you, when was the last time you visited Pa's grave" Dame through a shot back

He knew mentioning his grandfather and what happened between him and D2 was his soft spot

"The fuck— okay enough!" Vanessa cut her husband off pointing at him and holding her son back by his chest

While her boys had the physical she was the brains behind everything just like every other women that was ever brought into their world or enterprise

D2 walked off into the backyard slamming the sliding door leaving Vanessa and her son

"Look let's calm down. Call Camillia or Gio and see if they seen her then stop by her parents house if not then we'll involve police" Vanessa told Dame as they held their half hug


"What are we gonna do, he called me 20 times and I know he's gonna called Gio" Camillia asked as she comforted her best friend

"I don't know Millia I just can't deal with him and his life right now" she ate her ramen to quench the pregnancy cravings

"I'll let you know bro" Gio said as he walked in the house and the girls froze

"Now please tell me why I just had to lie about your whereabouts" Gio threw his phone on the counter grabbing a bottle of henny and taking a deep breath

"Basically" she told them the full story and by the end both Camilla and Gio were fighting for the just about empty bottle

"So I just want to stay here for the night. He's probably gonna worry mom and dad so call him and let him know I'm safe I just need some time and I'll talk to him later" Vee told her brother

Gio respected her wishes and did exactly what she said

A'Vayah slept in their guest bedroom while Gio and Cami nervously sat on the couch all night worried about her

They thought she had too much on her plate and genuinely needed out of this, but they knew Dame would never allow it.

That was his family now and he wasn't going to allow them to be broken or pushed apart


Damien sprung up as he heard the door close seeing A'Vayah walk straight past him and into their bathroom

"Wow. I worry about you all fucking day and night sleep on the fucking couch and you walk straight pass me and don't say a fucking Word A'Vayah?" He was tryna keep his cool but deep down he was freaking out from fear of all the different senerios going on in his head

"Give me a minute" she prepared her bath water still ignoring his exists navigating herself around his body as she walked in and out of the bathroom and he stood in the bathroom doorway frozen

She undressed herself sitting inside the lukewarm water and took a deep breath

"I needed space, to think, to breathe, to fucking... I don't know but I needed it" she didn't look at him once she kept her eyes on the bubble bath

"You couldn't have sent that in a text or something. I knew you needed some time but I ain expect you to leave and not come back" he walked over to the tub looking down at her

"I get why your mad but you acting like imma get kidnapped or something" she said instantly regretting that word choice

"Y— I heard it as I said it" she looked up at him making Dame come down to her level

"I'm not mad, I was scared. Scared for you and Damien Jr" he joked rubbing her belly as it peaked out of the bubbles

"Im sorry" she grabbed his hand interlocking her fingers with his

"Don't do it again, we gotta work as a team Vee or this not gone work at all" he kissed her forehead making her nod

"I needa hear it" he softly lifted her chin making them make direct eye contact

"Okay" her voice was soft as snow

In the heat of the moment they kissed and moved on from the first argument/ misunderstanding of their relationship

Did A'Vayah over React?
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