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I woke up with a small pain in my leg and back the room was dark and I heard machines beeping

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I woke up with a small pain in my leg and back the room was dark and I heard machines beeping

My arm was sore and when I went down to touch it I felt a small tube like thing connected to my arm with what felt like a band aid

I look around seeing my mom sleeping in the couch across the room

"M-" I tried to speak but my throat was too dry making me cough waking her up

She looked at me seeing me coughing and came over

"Thank you Jesus" was all she kept repeating as she held the water while I sipped from the straw

"Where Jr" I asked and she smiled

"What" I asked as she pressed a button on the remote next to me

"Even on your death bed all you care about is that baby" she kissed my head and sat in the chair next to me

The doctors came in a examined me and did a routine check up for my healing process

"What would you say your pain is on a scale of 1-10" Dr. Mandy asked me

"Maybe like a 5 for my back and a 4 for my leg" I shrugged not really knowing what to say

"Oh thank god" my momma started yelling again

"You having feeling in your legs?" The second doctor paused looking at me

"Yea and I was going to asks in we could move the pillow cause it's uncomfortable" I told them and they threw the cover off of my feet and started asking me questions about my feeling while touching me with different objects

"This is a miracle, you are very lucky Ms. Coleman" my doctor told me making me smile

Hours later my dad brought me food as well as my other siblings with him

I knew that my brother was dead they didn't even have to tell me and they knew I knew

"Excuse me, Paris I'm detective Watts and this is my partner Detective James and we just want to asks you a few questions following you and your brothers incident"

"No not today, she just woke up give her some time"

"It's ok momma, come back later tonight and I'll talk with you but as for right now I'm spending time with my family" I told them hugging my youngest sister

They respected my wishes leaving me and my family to spend time with each other


"Now what can you tell us about the shooting" Detective watts asked as he stood over me

"For starters, it was honestly a misunderstanding. My brother had nothing to do with anything I was to blame for everything that happened that day" I told them and a confused look washed over his face

"What do you mean, what happened"

"I trashed a beauty bar, owned by girls named Camilla and A'Vayah her father's the pastor at that big church on Mulberry. In return the father of her unborn child came over to talk to us and make a threat so w- I would leave her alone and move on from him"

"So things got heated and he shot you both?" Detective Watts asked connecting the dots making me shake my head

"And may I have the name of this young man" the room grew quiet as it only stood with me and him

Did I really want to sell out Damien? Doing this could put my life in danger

Was I ready to risk the rest of my life for all of this?

"Damien Warner" my mom walked in the room and the Detective went pale

"Thank you for your time" she walked out putting her pin and notepad away

"Momma why did you do that" I asked and she shrugged

"It's time someone does something to him and his brother, I'm tired of them hurting this family" I could hear the pain in her voice

She grabbed the tv remote turning on random Christmas movies

What am I gonna do now?

Was Paris mom in the Wrong?
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