432 14 2

"Where this box go?" Dame asked taking a box out the back seat of his truck

It was the very last box from her place that they were bringing to the new house

"Just sit it wherever for right now" a very pregnant A'Vayah told him as she sat there with the car door open

A'Vayah was finally moving into the house her and Trey bought before everything happened

A'Vayah grabbed her bag and got out the car when a big yellow envelope fell out

She assumed it was the paternity results and just sat them back in here purse

"Vayah!" Dame yelled from inside the house so she made her way to him

"Huh?" She asked out of breath

"You sure these were these pictures supposed to go it don't look right to me" he asked looking at the pictures that were hanging on the wall instead of up on the shelving space beside the tv and fireplace

"Ugh! Nobody can every do anything right" she took all the pictures down and walked in the kitchen placing them on the counter

As she looked around seeing all the filled and empty boxes and all the work she had to do with only 2 weeks before she was supposed to get induced

"Calm down" dame grabbed her by her arms

"Look at me" he turned her head by her chin

"Breathe ok" she nodded and started breathing and dame gave her a hug

"I gotcha, I told you no matter the results we locked in. Imma go work on Ky room then the nursey. But I'll make sure to at least set up your bed so you can get a goodnight sleep" she nodded and he kissed her forehead

Dame closed the door then went upstairs to do what he said A'Vayah looked at her purse seeing the envelope again trying to fight the erge to know

While dame didn't care, A'Vayah did especially now that Tray was dead it meant a lot to her

She grabbed the envelope looking at the results


The twins were Tray's A'Vayah felt relieved to know but it still didn't change how she felt about Dame

She sat down the envelope and her water broke all over the kitchen floor

"Damien!" She yelled moving out of the puddle

Luckily she had on a dress so all she needed was her hospital bag

"Huh? Here I come" he said realizing it was serious since she said his government name

"What's u-" he said almost slipping and falling

"You wasted water?" He grabbed a towel about to get it up

"No, go get the blue bag and my car keys. We're going to the hospital" she said walking to the door

Dame rushed and followed her request exactly and waiting for him in the car

"I love you girl" he pecked her cheek and started the car driving them to the hospital and leaving A'Vayah blushing as she tried not to panic


"A'Vayah, you feeling alright" the doctors asked seeing how bad she looked

A'Vayah had been in labor for 12 hours and still nothing. Doctors were worried because it looked like she wasn't doing to good

"I'm light headed" she said with a the faintest voice ever

"Doc, this not normal it's too much for here what can we do" Dame stepped in still holding her hand

"Prep for a C-section and have blood on standby" he told the nurse that was with him and she walked out of the room

"Ok, A'Vayah we're going to do a c-section to get these babies out. We might have to put you to sleep to do that is that alright" she nodded thankfully when they arrived A'Vayah was 4 centimeters dilated and she progressed greatly so she got an epidural fast

But everything changed when she got stuck at 7 centimeters for 5 hours

The machine started beeping and the doctor looked up seeing that one of the babies heart rate started dropping

"Heart rates dropping, we're going to have to love now" the doctor said preparing to move her as other nurses walked in

"I'm right here baby I promise I'm behind you" dame kissed her hand goodbye seeing how scared she was

One of the nurses stayed behind and gave him a gown to wear before taking him back with her


A'Vayah woke up after taking a quick nap seeing dame holding both babies next to her

"Y'all strong just like mommy, came out fighting like daddy though" he laughed and A'Vayah smiled

"Look who's up" Dame handed the baby boy to her and get baby girl

All their family came in and coo'd over the babies

"What's their names" Vanessa asked

"This is Kyson Deuce or KD" dame told them

"This is Kayson Alyse. Also known as Kay" a tag said and the two parents smiled

"That's not the name I was asking about" she mugged them

"We know" they said in unions and the room was filled with laughter

"Their last names are Warner" Dame said and the whole room lit up with bigger smiles

A'Vayah decided not to tell dame since he said it didn't matter. She was going to keep this secret until he finally wanted to know


The babies are finally here!!!
RIP Tray!!
Dame Really Not The Daddy?!

Go back and vote/comment mfr!!
Shorter Chapter

Thanks Bookie 🤍

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