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"You look pretty" Dame said as he helped Vee inside the car making her smile

"Thank you" she replied putting on her seat belt

Dame just came back form getting a line up and a retwist while Vee got her hair and makeup done

Today was the day for their gender reveal and they were both excited but also nervous.

Feelings between them were at an all time high but they didn't know if it was just because of the exciting event or if it was real

"Lemme see them nails" he grabbed her hand coming up on a stop light seeing her pink and blue nails

The two of them stayed at different houses the night before because all the decorations were at their house and they couldn't see anything until it was time

"Look at you with this haircut, might have to mess it up you keep on" Vee joked as she rubbed the side of his head

With Dames hand placed on her leg and how horny she had been she was ready to risk it all for him, but again she didn't know if it were the hormones, the baby or actual feelings

"You can after today, it's for you and my son anyway" he rubbed her medium sized bump

A'Vayah went from not showing at all to completely pregnant in a matter of two weeks.

She was almost five months and halfway through her pregnancy but she went from being petite to feeling like a elephant

"You play so much, knowing this baby make me horny" Dame smiled at her as they arrived at cami's house

"It's ok mama, remember what we said go with the flow if it happens it happens" he opened his door after kissing her hand leaving her blushing

The couple went inside and changed into their clothes

Vee had on a white dress and a brown cardigan with knee high boots, while dame had on a white turtleneck, white jeans to match, his brown uggs and a brown vest to match Vee

They didn't want to do to much but also needed to feel that it was enough

"I gotcha some" Dame told her as he put on his small jewelry pieces

"What" she turned to him fixing his shirt

Dame pulled out a two small boxes opening them both revealing a cross necklace and a cute lil AP buss down

"Thank you" she hugged him as she choked back tears

"You welcome, you can't cry yet dude" he laughed as her eyes filled with tears

"It's not me it's the baby" she waved her eyes allowing him to place her necklace on then her watch

They stood in the mirror and Vee took a secret video of them while Dame tried to switch up his hair style


"Thank you cami, everything look so good" Vee hugged and thanked cami for the 10th time since the gender reveal started

"Girl I ain do it for you I did it for my god baby" she smacked Dames hand and rubbed her belly making Dame mug her

"Why you always tryna steal my family" he nudged her and cami made herself stumble being dramatic

"Bae, get yo friend" she told Gio leaving him and Vee laughing as Dame waved her off

"Alright can we get mom and dad to come to the floor please" Vanessa Dames mom said in the mic

The couple walked over and stood on both sides of her

"Now it's time to reveal my first grandchild's gender, we're going to have you all pop the ballon on the count of three" she handed them a balloon and a small thumb tack to pop it with

"3 2 1" everyone counted and when the balloon popped to their surprise it was straight white confetti

"Come on ma" Dame held his heart and Vee stood there shaking her head repeating I knew it

"We had to get y'all ok" she handed everyone the poppers and they counted down from 3 again

To everyone's surprise when they popped it was blue and pink

"Now you playing with my emotions Momma V" A'Vayah said in the mic as Dame began walking off

"Come back D" A'Vayah pulled him back over

"On a serious note yall the gender will be revealed in 10 seconds she said and a few seconds later everyone was distracted by a helicopter hovering closely over their house

Soon Blue powder was released onto the crowd leaving everyone cheering as they we covered in the blue substance

Vayah jumped into Dames arms making him hold her as they hug

"I told you" he whispered before placing a kiss on her cheek

"Congratulations, your having a baby boy" Vanessa said on the mic while they continued to have their moment

A'Vayah didn't want to let go yet because she was crying and super emotional Damien noticed and rubbed her back and continued to hold her  dapping everyone up that was congratulating them

"You ok" Vee raised her head and wiped her tears away

She nodded at his question giving one last hug before allowing him to put her down

"Stop crying, you messing up yo lashes" he told her patting her tears away

"Congrats baby" her parents walked up giving her a hug

"Congrats man" her dad hugged Dame

"Thank you, I appreciate it" Dame smiled as he admired A'Vayah and her bump rubbing it as she tried to gather herself while talking with Cami and the rest of her friends

A'Vayah's parents noticed how supportive and loving Damien was to their daughter during that emotional time and knew that she picked the right one rather she new it or not

Her parents knew they were meant to be even if it wasn't right now, they'd find themselves in the future

Damien was perfect for their daughter, the right amount of protective, affection, attention, and understanding

Their personalities just bounced off of each other so well. While they weren't entirely happy about the situation or who Damien was, he and his family were growing on them

Baby Boy Coming Soon!
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