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"Answer the phone damn" i said as I drove to Nini house

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"Answer the phone damn" i said as I drove to Nini house

I had been tryna call her all fucking day and she either declined it or just let it ring

I was tryna tell her about this new nigga named Turbo I was talking to, he had a son and just moved out here

I drove to NiNi house and I seen her car wasn't there so I was finna go find her but I needed to drop DJ off first

"DJ you wanna go to yo daddy house for a lil while, so I can go talk to TT?" I asked and he nodded while he was playing Roblox on his phone

I drove to Dom house and since I had a key I just walked right in

"Ooo fuck" I heard moans coming from upstairs

"Go in yo play room DJ" I pulled him off the stairs and redirected him to his play room

"Fuck Dom" the voice moaned again followed by a slap

"I know this nigga not fucking a bitch knowing he had to keep his son" I mumble as I took off my shoes and proceeded to go upstairs

"Spread yo fucking legs" Dom said as I made it to the door

It was cracked so I peaked in seeing it was NiNi and my heart dropped to my ass

"Oh hell naw" was the first thing that flew out my mouth as I entered the room

I didn't mean to say it out loud but fuck it, they both scrambled to cover up

"The fuck P" Dom grabbed his boxers putting them on while NiNi used the covers to cover up and looked down

"You supposed to be my friend hoe, and you out of all people knew not to fuck her"

"Stop puttin yo fingers in my face, fuck is you doing here?" He held my wrist to keep me from hitting him

"Dropping off yo child like you asked me too dumbass" I got away from his hold and turned my back

"Shit, I forgot I'm sorry P" I don't know why but in that moment he sounded just like Dame to me and it just drove me insane

"Fuck you and imma fuck yo ass up" I ran past Dom getting ready to drag Nini but Dom picked me up and held me

"You not finna do that while my son downstairs and I'm not gone lie to you if you touch her I will allow her to beat yo ass, we not together and never have been we just got a child together neither one of us owe you loyalty in all reality. So just gone get what the fuck you gotta say out and gone bout yo business" Dom let me go I crossed my arms holding back my tears

"Don't call me next time you a having a 'bad day' then beg me to abort my baby again and I'm done with you" I collected myself then walked back downstairs and gave my son a kiss then left

Out of all people I never thought Journiiee would do me dirty like that, we been friends for 2 years now

Dom always been slick so it don't surprise me on his end but my fucking friend. Shit hit different

Every time something start looking good for me some fucked up shit happens

Was Dom in the Wrong?
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