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"Alright imma cut his hair real quick and then we good" Tray told avayh as she put lotion on her legs

"Okay, Lani hair already done so good luck with that" she said already knowing how Ky acted when it was time to get his hair cut

Avayahs belly was now starting to be a full on bump, she looked at herself everyday tryna encourage herself and be happy. But seeing the bump just made her sad for some reason.

The constant reminders of her being pregnant didn't help the situation either. It just all felt weird and didn't sit right in her mind, it was like something was wrong. But she pushed her feelings aside and tried to stay positive.

Everything was just all too much to fast in her mind, having only being offically with tray for about 5 months just bothered her.

"Lani I know dang well you ain pull out the big ole doll house and put it in my kitchen" A'Vayah walked out seeing Lani playing with her dolls by the refrigerator

"Huh?" She smiled running to put her dolls away

"If you can huh you can hear, hurry up so I can get in the refrigerator please" A'Vayah softly said already tired with how this day seemed to start out

Lani quickly grabbed all her toys and put them away allowing Vee inside the fridge to grab her container of fruits she ate on for a snack and grabbed some water

She sat her phone up starting the live and putting Lani on the counter so they could enjoy the fruit together, people started filling up her live fast with all types of questions

"Y'all I'm good and the babies are good too" she laughed shaking her head and lani feed her a grape making the comments go crazy

"Say hi Lani" she turned the camera and Lani waved after stuffing her mouth with a piece of mango

Ky ran in the kitchen giving Vayah a hug and chess in real hard tryna show off his fresh line up

"Ooo loook at that handsome boy" she picked him up and kissed his face until he started eating her fruit too so she sat him don on the other side of her on the counter

"You like it?" Tray came out the room putting up the extension cord he had took out

"Mhm you did a good job baby" Avayah replied and some people in th comments noticed how her energy was a bit off especially when everyone entered the room invading her space

"Alright y'all talking crazy now so imma go before it get wicked" she smiled ending the live

What was they saying" try stole a strawberry and Avayah tried not to get made putting her phone down on the counter

"Dumb stuff, it don't even matter tho i just know I'm ultra sensitive right now so they can talk shit when i drop these babies" she shrugged taking a seat at one of the barstools

"Ight well we still going out to eat then dropping them off with the other parents, if you not up to it we can just order some but it was the ole purpose of us doing they hair" Tray said in more of a persuading i really want to do it kind of way

"Yea that's fine just let me pee and grab the iPads then we can go" Avayah walked to the bathroom and took one of her prescribes nausea pills

Her morning sickness got so bad that she was hospitalized back to back last month

She used the bathroom, grabbed her kid iPads and their traveling bag just in case the kids needed a snack or a change of clothes

They got both kids in the car strapped in ad headed off to a kid friendly restaurant, they sat and ate their food when Tray realized that Avayah had been mentally checked out since hey got in the car

"Baby you alright" He whispered tryna make sure the kids didn't hear him

"Mhm, just tired" she reassured him but that wasnt true because she was really thinking about her life a few months ago before al of this craziness

How it was just her and Ky with Dame being a pain in the ass and constantly in her business, when it was less chaotic and more fun. All the flirty banter, and he in denial place she was in. She missed it

They left the restaurant and dropped off Lani at Nikki's house (her mom) then went to meet dame at the mall since he was already out

Avayah took Ky out his Car seat and walked over to Damien with him, dame quickly bust softly took sleeping Ky'mani out of her arms

"He ate but he might wake up wanting a snack so that's fine but nothing but water after 9" AVayah reminded him and he nodded and took an extra look noticing something was off with her

"You good? The babies good" he nudged her stomach and she nodded

"Look at me and tell me you good, if it's Tray- I'll be fine. I promise its just me in my head tray doesn't even know what's wrong" She cut him off already know what he was getting at

"I'm here for you and the babies, just say the word" he made sure Avayah wa spooking in his eyes s she could feel the sincerity

Avayah nodded and went back to the car not saying a word, just back in her head it was nothing anyone could say or do that would help her right now. It was just a feeling she had to shake on her own


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Trouble in Paradise?
Dame still there for Avayah?!

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Thanks Bookie 🤍

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